Run Faster, Get Stronger, Conquer Obstacles With Ease …
With Our Complete Mud Run Race Prep Program
**Initial enrollment strictly limited to 12 people. Sign up now to guarantee your spot!!**
From: The FVT Functional Training Gym, Sacramento, CA –
Dear friend –
Have you signed up for a mud run – but when it comes to actually training for it, aren’t quite sure where to start?
Are you looking to not only finish the event, but finish strong?
Do you seek confidence, come your mud run day, to take on what could be one of the toughest physical challenges you’ve EVER done?
FVT team here – we’re a personal training studio, fitness boot camp and kettlebell instruction facility in Sacramento, CA. And we’re excited to provide you with the ideal solution to your mud run event prep needs. But more on that in a bit …
See, we got the FVT squad together for a mud run event – and did a full 12 week training plan to prep for it – last year. It was a blast, and everyone who participated both got physically and mentally challenged, and had a great time in the process!
But if there is one thing we learned, we discovered that simply signing up – and getting physically and mentally ready for an event – are two different things entirely …
These are tough events. They are a TRUE test of your all-around mental strength, stamina, grit and camaraderie. On finishing many of these events, a lot of folks say it’s one of the toughest things they’ve done in their entire lives.
now introducing …
Mud Run Event Prep 2013
This event prep program is all you need to get ready for your upcoming mud run – and this is your official invitation to join in the action!
When you sign up for this special training program, here’s what you’ll get:
1) Once per week 60 minute training sessions (15 minutes longer than our standard boot camp classes), initially meeting at the FVT Land Park studio, and potentially venturing out at different points during the program for runs/activities in surrounding outdoor areas.
2) Special workouts to help you prepare for the race – with things in mind like:
- Total body strengthening
- Building functional muscle
- Increasing flexibility and mobility
- Improving cardio endurance
- Improving mental toughness
- Getting you stronger, faster, and more athletic!

3) Workout activities will include, but not be limited to:
- Running
- Plyometrics
- Kettlebell exercises
- Body weight moves
- “Stretching” – normal and “exotic” variations
- Obstacle-specific exercises/workouts

4) In addition to the once per week group workout, you’ll also get access to a special website where we’ll post workouts from each week, training tips, and much more.
You’ll be able to interact with folks that are participating in the program here outside of regularly scheduled training sessions. Even if you have to miss a training session here or there, you can rest assured you’ll still have workouts to complete on your own.
We’ll be forming a team (or teams), but if you’re already registered for a specific race, no worries either – the main focus of this program will be on getting you physically and mentally ready for race day.
And one more important thing to note … when we put together any kind of training program – whether it be a single personal training session, a boot camp workout, a written/video/audio product, or a full blown print book – we put our all into it. And this program will be no different –
We’ve consulted with folks who’ve completed various mud runs over the last couple of years. We’ve poured over exercise science texts and journals, scoured the internet, and pulled out info and training programs from our own endurance event competition days. Just know that this program will be the real deal and that, if you follow my instructions to a “T”, you’ll be as prepared as you can possibly be come event day …
Program Pricing
As you can see, we’ve made this program the ultimate solution for preparing for your mud run in 2013. And by now, you’re probably wondering “What’s the catch? How much is this all going to cost?”
Well, the honest truth is that this type of specialized training is hard to find. Our initial thought of typical one-on-one rates – $65-80/session – would be totally fair, and I feel 100% confident that you’ll get that much value out of the program …
But we’re not going to charge that much. No – we want to make this program affordable for anyone who is 100% mentally and physically committed to completing it. So here’s what we’ve decided on:
**Initial enrollment strictly limited to 12 people. Sign up now to guarantee your spot!!**
Sign up now for just $77 per month
Program F.A.Q.
Can I sign up at the studio, or do I have to do it online?
Please sign up online, right here on this page. It will save both of us time handling billing issues, and will keep everything nice and organized.
Does the registration for this program include race registration fees?
No. You’ll need to sign up on your own.
What if I miss a training session?
We’ll be posting the weekly workout plan online, so you’ll be able to complete the workout on your own. You can also make up the session at any one of our 17 weekly regularly scheduled boot camp times (see the full schedule by clicking here)
Can I just sign up for a few sessions/pop in/etc. to check out what you guys are doing?
Here’s the thing – these are serious events. They will challenge you physically and mentally in every way, even if you’re already in great shape.
That being said, adequate preparation takes 100% commitment. So – the answer is no 🙂 It’s all or nothing with this one.
Do I have to actually sign up for a race to participate in the training?
As long as you’re 100% committed to giving the training your best and attending all the sessions you possibly can – no! And if you’re just looking for a program to get your a@@ in shape over the summer, this’ll definitely do the trick …
PS – The FVT mud run event prep program is the ultimate solution for getting prepared for your mud run in 2013. You’ll run faster, get stronger and learn to conquer the obstacles with ease in weekly race-specific training sessions. You’ll also get a complete preparation program to make sure you’re confident that you’ll not only finish on race day, but finish strong.
PPS – Hurry – classes start May 11th, and we’re limiting initial enrollment to 12 people. Last year, this same program program filled within a matter of days – so to guarantee your spot, be sure to sign up asap.
PPPS – These are serious events that’ll challenge you mentally and physically in every way. If you’re not 100% committed to giving this preparation program everything you’ve got, then don’t sign up. But if you’re ready to challenge yourself like you never have before, if you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life, and have fun doing it, then sign up now!