When I first started training, it was all about moving big weights and going all out. But over the years, as life got busier and my body had a few more miles on it, I realized something: strength isn’t just about how much you can lift or how fast you can go. Control and stabilize, build the foundation to be as solid as a rock in all positions. It was then that I learned about isometric training, where it’s all about holding steady and strong, never budging an inch.
This workout below is created with just that in mind-developing strength that will be unbreakable and stable for you to become a powerhouse that can deal with anything life throws at you.
And if you like it, stay tuned! My brand-new Powerhold 28 Isometric Strength Challenge will be opening for registration very soon:
Powerhold 28 – Iso-Strength Challenge (sample workout)
Each exercise: 3 sets of 30-second holds, broken into different positions-10 seconds in each position.
Move to the next exercise after completion of all 3 sets.
Rest 1 minute between exercises.
- Crescent Lunge Hold
Position 1: High Lunge – Slightly bent front knee, back leg extended, spine tall.
Position 2: Mid Lunge – Lower the hips, bending the front knee further.
Position 3: Low Lunge – Sink completely into the lunge with a 90-degree angle in the front knee.
Hold: 10 seconds in each position per leg, alternating legs each round. Total: 30 seconds
- Warrior III Bend and Straighten Hold
Position 1: Bent Leg – Begin with the back leg bent and close to the planted leg, arms reaching forward, core tight.
Position 2: Extended Leg – Slowly extend the back leg fully, reaching into Warrior III position, with arms and back leg creating a straight line.
Hold: 15 seconds in each position per leg, alternating legs each round (total 30 seconds).
- 3-Position Push-Up Hold
Position 1: High Push-Up – Full plank with arms fully extended.
Position 2: Mid Push-Up – Lower halfway, elbows bent at 90 degrees.
Position 3: Low Push-Up – Lower to just above the ground.
Hold: 10 seconds in each position for a total of 30 seconds.
- Locust Pose Hold
Position 1: Low Lift – Chest, arms, and legs slightly lifted.
Position 2: Mid Lift – Arms and legs parallel to the floor.
Position 3: Full Lift – Lift as high as possible, squeezing glutes and back.
Hold: 10 seconds in each position for a total of 30 seconds.
- Dead Bug Hold
Position 1: Arms and Legs Up – Hold with arms up and knees bent.
Position 2: Extend Right Arm and Left Leg – Lower without lifting the lower back off the floor.
Position 3: Extend Left Arm and Right Leg – Repeat on the other side.
Hold: 10 seconds in each position, alternating sides (total 30 seconds).
Cool Down: Round it out with 2-3 minutes of light stretching, paying special attention to the chest, shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings.
This is just one taste of what’s to come in my brand-new Powerhold 28 Isometric Strength Challenge. Get ready to change strength, endurance, and stability forever. Stay tuned-Powerhold 28 opens soon!
–Forest Vance, MS
RYT 200