ATTN LEE’S SUMMIT – Back-to-School “Drop-a-Size” Challenge! You’ll learn how to pair the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training—a small example of which I show in today’s video—with customized clean eating so that you can drop up to one full clothing size in 28 days. Reply with the word CHALLENGE and we’ll add you to the interest list!

Kettlebell “Tame the Arc” Drill ->
Are you struggling with your kettlebell cleans landing heavily on your forearms? Try this drill see if it helps.
Forest Vance here from Kettlebell Basics. I’m going to show you a drill called Taming the Arc that’s going to help you from getting bruised forearms when you do your kettlebell cleans.
Now I learned this drill originally, I believe when I did my first RKC kettlebell certification in 2008. We pick up all little things along the way so it may have been after that. But I believe that’s where I first learned it. So it’s a 16 year old drill as I shoot this video, but it still works great!
What you do is when you’re cleaning the kettlebell people often have the tendency to Swing it out too far away from the body like they would on a one-arm swing. But a proper clean is supposed to be Close to the body.
Okay, but if we swing too far away like we would on a swing It ends up coming up and we get too much impact on the wrist.
But what you’re gonna do is number one find a safe space to do this drill. I’m inside because I’m shooting this video and I’ve done the drill before. But I wouldn’t recommend doing it any kind of floor where you’re worried about Dropping the bell and also probably pick a lighter weight kettlebell as well. Go outside go on the grass or something.
Okay, and so what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna do your clean but instead of Landing with the kettlebell inside of the horn of the bell. You’re actually gonna catch the kettlebell by the body By the by the bell right like this and again. You can use your other hand to guide it a little bit if you want to but the idea is you’re trying to Drill That proper arc or you kind of pull it in and it stays close to your body so do a couple few of those and then go right into your cleans after you do that and That should really help you.
That’s a great drill that helps a lot of people with Learning how to do a kettlebell clean Minimizing the impact on your wrist.
Okay, give that one a try Let me know if it helps and we’ll see you next time at kettlebell basic net! #kbdrills#kbtips#kbcleans