Exciting announcements today on TWO events we have coming up this summer at FVT. Mark your calendar and save the date(s)!
-Forest and the FVT Team
FVT “Kettlebells for Abs” Boot Camp – Sat Jul 8th
On Saturday, July 8th, we are going to put on a special “Kettlebells for Abs” Boot Camp event at 10am CST.
You can join this event in person at our Kansas City location, OR online via Zoom.
We’ll do a special workout, ALL focused on kettlebells for abs.
I’ll give you a recorded version of the workout so that you can repeat it on your own later too, as well as
a written version of the session!
Registration will be open soon and you will be able to sign up at a very reasonable price.
In the meantime, mark your calendar and save the date!
FVT Bring-a-Buddy + Summer BBQ – Sat July 29th
On Saturday, July 29th, we are going to hold a special Bring-a-Buddy boot camp PLUS
summer BBQ day.
You can join this event in person at our Sacramento location.
We’ll do a special boot camp workout at 9am, followed by a fun BBQ to hang out
with friends and have a good time!
Registration will be open soon.
In the meantime, mark your calendar and save the date!