Hey, this might be right up your alley –
We’re putting on a Kettlebell Balistics workshop with Forest at the Sacramento FVT studio near the end of February and we’d love to have you there!
This would be led by Forest at the Sacramento FVT studio, and we’d be covering the basics of effective form on the:
– HardStyle Kettlebell Swing
– HardStyle Kettlebell Clean
– HardStyle Kettlebell Snatch
We’d also cover dozens of drills and tips and tricks to get better results from your KB workouts AND stay safer, all at the same time!
We’d have options for both local folks who can attend in person OR those who want to join remotely via Zoom… we’d include a bonus package of materials like some of my kettlebell books and / or courses so that you could apply what you’d learned for weeks, months, and years to come… AND you would get lifetime access to the video recording of the event to go back and review.
Would you be interested in joining me?
Reply to this message with the words “KB WORKSHOP” and we’ll add you to the interest list!
– Forest