I’ve had a lot of people request quick workouts that can be done in around 20 minutes. Kettlebells are the perfect tool for this. With a kettlebell or two and your own bodyweight, you can get a full body strength AND cardio workout in about 20 minutes. We can even work in some core and mobility while we’re at it!
So, without further ado, here’s today’s new 20-minute 300-rep KB Challenge:
New 20-minute 300-rep KB Challenge
Do 4 rounds for time of:
— 20 two hand KB swings
— 10 mountain climbers (per side)
— 10 arm KB swings (per side)
— 10 push ups
— 5 KB snatches (per side)
— 5 burpees
This workout is just a taste of the home-based KB workout plan you’ll get when you sign up for our 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge. We start tomorrow, January 10th, 2023. Learn more and reserve your spot now at the link below:
->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge
Questions, comments, concerns? Reply directly to this message and we’ll get back to you asap!
– Forest and the FVT Team