For many people, the kettlebell is a great way to get a workout in. But what about when your body is aching and you need to stretch? This is where the kettlebell mobility workout comes in. This type of workout is designed to help you stretch and loosen up your muscles, as well as improve your range of motion!
Kettlebell Mobility Workout: How To Get Rid Of An Aching Body
Set your timer for 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. Do as many reps as you can of the first move in 30 seconds. Rest for 15seconds. Do as many reps as you can of the second move in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for all exercises in the sequence. Rest for 60 secondsafter completing the last exercise in the sequence; repeat three more times for a total of four rounds:
– Single Arm KB Swings (15 seconds per side)
– Downward Dog Toe Taps
– Alternating Reverse KB Tactical Lunges
– Reverse Snow angels
– X Jacks
If you’re feeling achy and need a workout that will stretch and strengthen you, give this kettlebell mobility workout a try. You’ll feel better in no time!
If you liked this workout, be sure to come to our upcoming Open House on Wednesday, October 5th – we’ll have a FREE kettlebell mini-workshop station where you can learn some of the basics of safe and effective KB training! Here is the link:
– Forest and the FVT Team