We’re kicking around the idea of running another Sport Yoga series this spring.
Reply to this message with the words SPORT YOGA if it sounds cool, and I’ll add you to the interest list.
Sport Yoga is easier for beginners to perform, based on Hatha yoga, covers traditional sports stretching, and includes dynamic movement sequences for all types of athletes and sports!
Classes would be led by yours truly, Certified Sport Yoga Instructor and RYT-200 in training 🙂
We’d meet once per week for a six to eight week time period (probably during the months of April and May).
The classes would be 45 to 60 minutes in length.
You’d have the option of attending in person OR online.
If there is enough interest, we’ll see if we can put it together!
If not, we’ll save it for next time.
Reply to this message with the words SPORT YOGA if it sounds cool, and I’ll add you to the interest list.
-Forest Vance, Owner, FVT Personal Trainer