If you tend to end up with bruised wrists from your kettlebell workouts, today’s video is going to show you how to fix it!
One of the common exercises this happens with is the kettlebell clean. Two tips that are going to help:
1 – “Tame the Arc”
When the KB comes down, we want the “arc” that the ‘bell takes to be close to the body. If the kettlebell comes too far away from your body during the move, and then comes up and slams you in the arm as it flips around, you’re going to end up with bruised wrists. Instead, keep your elbow tight to the frame as you do your cleans.
2 – Lose the “Death Grip”
Another thing people do – in an effort to keep the KB from coming around and slamming the wrist – is to squeeze the KB really hard as it flips around the hand. Instead, what you want to think about is taking a loose grip, and then “punching” the hand through as it comes around the wrist.
Now, watching a video to help you with this is a great start. But even BETTER, is if we can help you live and in person.
We have a few spots left in our small group personal training beta group for the month of November, where we can give you hands-on instruction on using kettlebells safely and effectively.
Click here to contact us today and learn more about our 14-day test drive where you can give the program a try: https://www.forestvancetraining.com/contact
And here’s to your continued success!
-Forest and the FVT Team