As you probably know by now, gyms are shut down, AGAIN, in Sac County, after jumps in COVID-19 numbers.
Watch the video at the bottom of this message if you want to hear our current thoughts on the situation.
Bottom line, whatever you do, DO NOT stop focusing on your health and fitness. You need it right now more than ever!
And that’s why we are looking for a few more people to join our 14-day Reset program in the month of July. You’re going to get:
- The easy-to-follow, done-for-you meal plans to help you shed the fat
- The fun, effective, efficient total-body workouts to help you build the lean muscle
- The support and accountability and coaching you need to stay on track
And much more.
Reply to this message with the words “RESET”, and I’ll get you all the details.
Look forward to working together!
-Forest and the FVT Team
PS – A few words on the recent re-closure of indoor workouts in Sac County: