I think you are going to be shocked and surprised at the information I am going to share with you today.
Did you know that advertising you’re viewing every day could be “priming” your eating behavior, causing you to eat more?
This is a perfect example of how you could be eating more than you realize, and having trouble getting to your goal weight, without you realizing it.
Check this out:
In a recent study in the Journal of Health Psycology (I’ll link up the abstract below), adults watched a TV program that included food advertising that promoted snacking and/or fun product benefits, food advertising that promoted nutrition benefits, or no food advertising.
The adults then tasted and evaluated a range of healthy to unhealthy snack foods in an apparently separate experiment.
Adults consumed more of both healthy and unhealthy snack foods following exposure to snack food advertising compared to the other conditions.
Again, advertising you’re viewing every day could be “priming” your eating behavior, causing you to eat more.
So what can you do about it?
And how many other factors – that you probably don’t even know about – are causing you to gain and hold on to weight?
This is the kind of thing we are going to talk about – and come up with stratgies to overcome, and hold you accountable to – in our FLAG = F-at L-oss A-ccountability G-roup.
So if you want to get the best results in the shortest amount of time, join us! We start March 24th:
FVT FLAG = F-at L-oss A-ccountability G-roup =>
Thanks, talk soon!
-Forest Vance
Owner, FVT small group and personal training
Study link => https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2009-10284-004