Well, here in my part of California, all the gyms are closed. As they are in many parts of the world as we deal with this pandemic.
But, people still want to work out!
And I think that we 100% can, in a resposible way. Because it is SUPER helpful to keep your mind and body in shape in times of stress.
So you have this idea of remote / online coaching. I’ve done it for years, with a LOT of success, with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of men and women, in all parts of the world. (I’ve had distance coaching clients in every content except Antarctica.)
And now a TON of people are considering it because, well – they don’t have any other option at the moment! 🙂
One of the first things people new to the idea often ask is – “how would that work?”
*Reply directly to this message if you are interested in our remote / online coaching, and we can go from there
Here’s how we set it up. We have three “levels”:
Level 1 is more like a “group” – based program. We publish workouts that can be done with a couple of kettlebells, in 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times per week. You get a very detailed workout plan with these workouts. Then we also have a private group where you post each day when the workouts are done.. you can post questions.. we do live videos in the group actually physically going through the workouts with you .. and more!
Level 2 is more personalized. We call this our Elite Coaching program. Here, we design a workout that is 100% specific for you, your goals, the equipment you have available, etc. Then we have a special software we use to manage it all so that we can check in with you daily and keep you on track. It’s very personalized and in-depth and is a level up in terms of personalization and attention from Level 1.
Then we have Level 3, our top-level remote / distance coaching plan. We call this our Premium Elite Coaching program. Here, we would do everything mentioned in level 2, but we also actually do the workouts with you in real-time, together, on video. This is for the folks who want the personalization and attention AND accountability that personal training provides.
This is sort of just a top-level overview of how we set up this program. There are more details of course, and I encourage you to reply to this email directly if you are interested in learning more about any of them. I’ll get back to you ASAP. I’m just sitting in my office, can’t lead any workouts!! 🙂
Thanks, keep your mind right, and stay safe
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert