Pumping yourself up to go on a diet and lose weight for a vacation, reunion, or athletic event is one thing.
Keeping the weight off for the longer term is another thing all together.
And the long term results are what we focus on here at FVT, so we are always looking for ways to help you do it better and more effectively.
That’s why I wanted to share the results of a new piece of research that I recently came across.
See, a new Cal Poly study published in Obesity shows that healthy self-monitoring and phsycological coping strategies are the keys to long-term success.
The study surveyed almost 5,000 members of WW (formerly Weight Watchers) who reported losing an average of about 50 pounds and kept it off for more than three years. Researchers compared this group to a control group of more than 500 people with obesity and who reported not gaining or losing more than five pounds for a period of greater than five years.
The research team examined 54 behaviors related to weight management. Compared to the group of weight-stable individuals, the group of weight loss maintainers reported more frequent use of strategies like setting daily food intake goals, recording what was eaten each day, measuring foods, thinking about past successes, and remaining positive in the face of weight regain.
The researchers also found that these eating and thinking behaviors became easier and more ingrained over time in the group of those maintaining their weight loss.
Cool thing is, we give both of these things attention in our nutrition coaching program.
Because we meet with you individually to help set daily food intake goals, help you learn how to effectively record your foods, etc…
…but we also have specific exercises and methods we employ that focus on helping you stay positive and your focus in the right place.
Fill out the interest form here and I’ll get back to you ASAP with details on our nutrition coaching: https://forestvance.wufoo.com/forms/zbcvujf0iiwn0c/
To sum up, this new study shows that there is science behind the idea that we not only need to focus on WHAT do to lose the weight, but that the thinking and behaviors behind it are equally important.
I hope the infomration and tips in today’s article help you implement this idea into your health and fitness plan for long term success.
’till next time
-Forest and the FVT Team
PS – Check out the page below to learn more about my nutrition coaching program: https://forestvance.wufoo.com/forms/zbcvujf0iiwn0c/