Hello – Happy Monday 🙂
We had a lot of fun at the FVT Holiday Party on Saturday! Here is a pic of the crew!
So – got a couple of things for you today.
1 – New kettlebell video up on: KB Squat – Mistakes and Fixes. Check it out at the link below:
2 – We are considering bringing back our Foundations Beginner Boot Camp program starting now, and into the New Year.
We’ve had a GREAT success rate with this program the three times we’ve run it in the past.
It’s specifically designed to help you “ease back into things” – we do a personal training session to start, so that we can break down all the movements we use in our workouts at FVT, focus on form so you don’t get injured, and just give you a little more individual attention to kick things off .. and then we work together over the next 28 days to get you up to speed and ready to rock in our regular program moving forward.
Would you be interested ? Reply to this message and let me know.
Have a great week! –
– Forest and the FVT Team