Get Lean for Halloween! – new 28 day training program now accepting applications:
We are looking for 22 more Sacramento – area women and men to join us.
This is specifically for new and returning (been away from FVT for at least 90 days).
Have You Heard Of The Summer + Holiday Double Whammy?
The summer is filled with BBQ’s, vacations, lots of gatherings with friends and family … and usually a little too much indulging.
And then in just a few months comes Thanksgiving and Christmas, which includes even more …
The reason Fall is sooo important is that strategic placement between summer and the holidays.
(We all know inside getting back at it won’t be any easier in January. Admit it.)
By ignoring the fall window, your body gets hit with the Summer + Holiday “Double Whammy”. This can put you behind the eight ball, as it were, when it comes to your health.
So … if your fitness (and nutrition) took a back seat this summer, we’re here to do something about it …
We are running a 28 Day “Lean for Halloween” fitness program.
You’ll get the personal workouts, the coaching, the done-for-you meal plans … everything you need to get, and stay, in top shape this fall.
Reply to this message. We’ll reply asap to learn a bit more about you and your goals, and to give you more info on the program and go from there.
Look forward to hearing from you!
-Forest and the FVT Team
I wanted to learn about the Halloween 28 day jumpstart
Awesome Jolene! I’ll send you an email right now ..
I’m also interested in being less of a sedentary chair blob
Great Rachel! I’ll send you an email right now ..