REGENERATE Squat Sequence [pics inside]

I tell you what – I am FEELING IT today after the Spartan Beast a couple of days ago!

No serious injuries though. I’ll be taking it easy this week, and then getting back into hitting it hard next week.

So let’s rap a little more about recovery today.

One thing that helps me IMMENSELY is some simple yoga sequences.

When I was playing football in Green Bay, they brought in a yoga teacher for restorative sessions every Friday in the off season, and I tell you what, it helped big time!

And I’ve incorporated some basic moves into my overall routine on a regular basis ever since.

Thing is, a lot people also don’t have the time or inclination to take a full 1 hour+ yoga class. But they still want to get the recovery and core strengthening and even mental / relaxation benefits yoga offers.

That’s why I came up with REGENERATE.

Here is a sequence you can try:


REGENERATE Squat Sequence

*Hold each pose / stretch for 60 seconds

*Do this sequence to help you recover from KB Squats, Barbell Squats,
Lunges, or any other knee dominant exercise.

Couch Stretch (60 seconds per side)

Cossack Stretch (60 seconds per side)

Seated Spinal Twist (60 seconds per side)


Interestingly, there are one of two reactions when I share this REGENERATE stuff with people.

1 – “This is amazing! These sequences are helping my recovery and workouts in every way”


2 – “I already know all these stretches”

If you are person #2, listen up.

This is not about the uniqueness of the specific stretches.

The program is designed around the idea that you are doing specific stretches, in a specific sequence, to help you recover from specific workouts.

So if you just did squat – heavy workout session the day before, the sequence I shared with you today is going to help you hit those muscles that are going to MOST need it – hips, quads, groin, etc.

Make sense?

Try the sequence I shared today, and see if it helps.

Also you can try out REGENERATE here.

To your success! –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement

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