The FVT Ultimate Challenge Workout was a BLAST on Saturday!
Had an AWESOME, hard-working, butt-kicking group out for a full 3 hour workout event.
We blasted through a LOT of KB presses and swings, a 5k run, even MORE pull ups, push ups, and squats, and the “ultimate” 100 burpee challenge to finish the day.
AND, we did it all for a great cause (funds raised benefit the Alzheimer’s Association).
Rock on guys, so proud of you, keep up the great work!
Also – if you weren’t able to make it to the event for whatever reason, but you’d still like to show your support, you can do so for a short time longer at the link below (there’s a button right below the main sign up link where you can donate) – the page will be up for a couple more days:
=> Donate and support the Alzheimer’s Association here
– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training