* If you missed the April 2013 FVT Challenge Workout, click here to see it now
Official Results
JJ 558
SS 521
SK 520
BK 510
LC 510
JM 506
MA 495
CC 489
SF 487
LA 482
MG 475
JB 470
BC 463
JC 456
KS 455
MW 451
GV 451
JM 432
EZ 430
AS 429
RK 419
SG 409
RB 382
BK 356
NP 303
Modified (exercises substituted due to injury, lower-than-prescribed kettlebell weight used, etc.)
JP 530
SM 527
MG 507
PN 465
BA 434
KD 422
BR 408
RA 366
MP 358
BK 340
MP 313
CB 300
EP 271
PT 241
Great work all! ‘Till next time –
The FVT Team