Improve Movement, Reduce Chronic Pain, and “Bulletproof” Your Body
- Are constantly battling injuries from your hard training
- Live with a little – or a lot of – chronic pain
- Want to move better and improve your workout performance
- Know you need to improve your flexibility and mobility, but aren’t really doing anything about it
This workshop is for you!
My name is Forest Vance. I’m a former pro football player, veteran personal trainer and owner of the Forest Vance Training, Inc. I also have a Master’s Degree in Human Movement (specialization in corrective exercise), and am a NASM certified Corrective Exercise Specialist.
See, I used to feel just like you probably do. Over a decade of competitive sports wreaked havoc on my body. I used to wake up in the morning feeling like I got hit by a truck.
But once I discovered the secrets I’m going to share with you in this workshop, my life changed forever!
I now feel more supple and flexible. Many of my chronic aches and pains have disappeared. And I now have the strategies I need to keep them at bay and still hit the workouts hard.
Now introducing …
The FVT Flexibility and Mobility Workshop – Weds, May 9th, 2018 @ FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training (Land Park / Downtown location)
In this workshop, you’ll discover my “flexibility and mobility trifecta” – which includes:
- Self myofascial release – this “self massage” technique will shorten your recovery time, improve your movement, enhance flexibility, and much more. We’ll cover several different techniques and specific strategies for incorporating this method into your fitness program.
- Joint mobility – NOT stretching, joint mobility training is a CRITICAL (but often overlooked) part of your routine. You’ll learn easy-to-do joint mobility exercises that will improve coordination, reduce injury risk, and much more.
- REGENERATE sequences – We’ll go through my special REGENERATE sequences … these sequences are specifically designed to help you shorten recovery time and reduce pain. They are a combination of static stretches and yoga poses that will only take you 3-6 minutes to do.
You’ll also get a copy of my REGENERATE home-study program, included with your sign up fee. This way, you’ll have a specific routine to follow on your own, after you learn all of the techniques in person.
PLUS, the first 10 folks to sign up will receive two MORE special bonuses!!
Foam Roller ($19.95+ value)
The foam roller is the “poor man’s massage therapist”. With this tool, you’ll be able to shorten your recovery time between workouts, get out knots and adhesions in your muscles that are impairing your mobility and flexibility, and much more.
Lacrosse Ball – ($6.95+ value)
Also used for self myofascial release/self-message techniques, the lacrosse ball is particuarly effective for hiting smaller muscle groups … experience many of the same benefits you’ll get from foam roll use, and get this FREE as well when you’re one of the first ten folks to sign up for the workshop.
The FVT Flexibility and Mobility workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 9th from 6 – 8 pm at the FVT studio. The cost to attend is $59. The first ten folks who sign up will get a foam roll and lacrosse ball FREE with registration. Space is strictly limited to 15 participants.
Click here to sign up now for only $59
When you attend the FVT Flexibility and Mobility workshop, you’ll regain lost mobility and find flexibility you never had. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to experience right away:
- You’ll be able to do more push ups, pull ups, lunges, squats, and other common “functional” movements
- Remain injury-proof
- Understand the big reasons behind your athletic pain – and what to do about it
- Simply work out harder, faster, and with greater loads
If you have further questions about the workshop, feel free to contact me by clicking the link below:
Contact Forest by clicking here OR by calling 916.273.9366
Look forward to seeing you there!
Forest Vance, MS, CPT, CES