If you tend to end up with bruised wrists from your kettlebell workouts, today’s video is going to show you how to fix it! One of the common exercises this happens with is the kettlebell clean. Two tips that are going to help: 1 – “Tame the Arc” When the KB comes down, we wantContinue reading “Do you get bruised wrists from your kettlebell workouts? Here’s how to fix it!”
Category Archives: videos
(video) the 5-point mental “checklist” I think about before a deadlift session
*We are looking for about three to five men and women who live and/or work in the Land Park / Midtown / Downtown areas of Sacramento to try our semi private personal training program this month. We currently have a couple of different small groups going, with a couple of different focuses. One of themContinue reading “(video) the 5-point mental “checklist” I think about before a deadlift session”
5 Minute Core Workout
Want to get some extra work on your abs? You can do this 5 minute core workout any time, any place, in 5 minutes or less! And best of all, there are ZERO crunches or sit ups… so it’s going to be safer and more effective than the abs workouts you’ve probably been doing: 5Continue reading “5 Minute Core Workout”
[video] 30-Sec Squat / Mobility Test
Want to know one of the best indicators of your hip mobility, and ability to move well in general? It’s the squat. So I have a simple squat test for you to try. You can do this right now!… and it will only take about 30 seconds. Let me know how you do: # 30-SecContinue reading “[video] 30-Sec Squat / Mobility Test”
FVT – SSPCA Charity Boot Camp / Adoption Event – Sept 19th 2020 (video recording)
On September 19th 2020, we hosted a special charity boot camp / adoption event benefiting the Sacramento SPCA. We did one of our signature online/remote boot camp workouts on Zoom, and had a few furry friends join us on video along the way! To keep things simple and accessible as possible for everyone, this workoutContinue reading “FVT – SSPCA Charity Boot Camp / Adoption Event – Sept 19th 2020 (video recording)”
15 Min “Follow-Along” Bodyweight Workout with Forest and Gina
With our charity boot camp / adoption event benefiting the Sacramento SPCA coming up on September 19th, we’re hearing from lots of potential new folks who are thinking of checking it out! I ran across this video from a few years ago that gives you a great vibe for our training style. Plus, you getContinue reading “15 Min “Follow-Along” Bodyweight Workout with Forest and Gina”
Girlfriends vs GoalFriends
Girlfriends vs GoalFriends Finding other like-minded people to hang out with in your health and fitness journey is really important. What helps so much is finding a GOAL FRIEND! (Not girlfriend. Big difference ???? Though it might sound like that’s what I’m saying in the video, lol) Is there a friend or family member whoContinue reading “Girlfriends vs GoalFriends”
14-day Reset invite
As you probably know by now, gyms are shut down, AGAIN, in Sac County, after jumps in COVID-19 numbers. Watch the video at the bottom of this message if you want to hear our current thoughts on the situation. Bottom line, whatever you do, DO NOT stop focusing on your health and fitness. You needContinue reading “14-day Reset invite”