I got together with my friend and colleague Dr. Sandy Bell last week to film a short video; we both agreed that one topic most folks could use help with would be if they should use heat or ice on an injury. It’s a very informative video; check it out below: P.S. Sandy has actuallyContinue reading “Sacramento Chiropractor Dr. Sandy Bell Explains: Ice or Heat an Injury?”
Category Archives: videos
Invitation For Current + Past Clients (free boot camp class offer)
It seems that every month we get questions about our challenge workouts via e-mail, on Facebook, and from current and past training clients. So, what we’ve decided to do is invite current and past private training clients who haven’t tried a boot camp class to do so for free this month. This is a greatContinue reading “Invitation For Current + Past Clients (free boot camp class offer)”
New Sacramento Kettlebell Training Video
If you’re a fan of kettlebell training, I’ve got a new kettlebell workout video for you to check out – let me know what you think: Have a great weekend! Forest P.S. Speaking of kettlebells, I wanted to quickly clarify about the upcoming Next Level Kettlebell Workshop I’m holding at my training studio. If you’veContinue reading “New Sacramento Kettlebell Training Video”
Forest On ‘KCRA Workouts A-Z’; ‘Bring A Buddy’ on March 23rd
Each Monday morning, Deirdre Fitzpatrick from KCRA Channel 3 is doing a new workout for every letter of the alphabet … ‘K’ is for kettlebell … and I was lucky enough to have her at my studio last week to shoot the segment on kettlebell training! Check out how last week’s workout (J for theContinue reading “Forest On ‘KCRA Workouts A-Z’; ‘Bring A Buddy’ on March 23rd”
March 2011 Challenge Workout
Beginning this month and moving forward, we’ll repeat the challenge workout from three months prior … this month’s is the same as December 2010’s. To complete the workout, you’ll simply do: 7 Burpees14 Kettlebell Swings21 Body Weight Squats … and repeat five times as fast as you can. Here’s a quick video demo: Good luck!Continue reading “March 2011 Challenge Workout”
New Promo Video
Here’s an inside look at the Sacramento Personal Training program from Forest Vance Training, Inc. :
5 Minute ‘Crunchless’ Abs (new video)
Cool new video for you to check out – it’s a ‘Crunchless’ ab circuit that’ll take you about five minutes to do – See, it turns out that Crunches are just okay for working your abs. Although a wicked Crunch circuit can give you a great ab burn (and that’s why I still include ’emContinue reading “5 Minute ‘Crunchless’ Abs (new video)”
Merry Christmas! New Video, Holiday Schedule, + My Christmas Gift To You
I know this week is crazy for a lot of you – but that’s still no excuse to let your fitness program get off track! Quick, efficient workouts are the name of the game. Here’s a pair of exercises – the Burpee and the Kettlebell Swing – I put together into a sequence that hitsContinue reading “Merry Christmas! New Video, Holiday Schedule, + My Christmas Gift To You”