BRO MEALS – Healthy Air-Fried Potatoes

*If you like this healthy air fried potatoes recipe, I will give you a copy of my BRO MEALS ebook FREE that’s got a bunch more – just sign up for our Saturday Boot Camp camp series: email me the receipt to fvtcustomer service at  – and we’ll send you the bonus. One of theContinue reading “BRO MEALS – Healthy Air-Fried Potatoes”

sample FVT Kettlebell Boot Camp workout

Are you ready for MAXIMUM calorie burn this summer?! Check out this sample FVT Kettlebell Boot Camp workout, then sign up for our upcoming Summer Boot Camp Workout series here –>> EMOM = At the top of each minute you will complete the reps of the first exercise listed.RAT = With whatever time is leftContinue reading “sample FVT Kettlebell Boot Camp workout”

Summer Boot Camp Series @ FVT – Registration Open Now

We are running a special Boot Camp workout series this summer at FVT, starting Saturday, June 3rd, 2023! This program is running along side / in conjunction with our regularly scheduled 9am Saturday boot camps, so space is very limited. This special series will help you burn fat, get/stay lean, and put the final touchesContinue reading “Summer Boot Camp Series @ FVT – Registration Open Now”

Saturday Boot Camp Series Theme – Need Your Help!

We are putting together a special Summer Saturday Boot Camp Series, and we need your help with a theme! I’m asking for your help to let me know – what is your #1 fitness goal for the summer? — Weight Loss (Extreme KB Conditioning Boot Camp)— Getting a toned, defined midsection (KBs for Abs BootContinue reading “Saturday Boot Camp Series Theme – Need Your Help!”

Saturday Summer Boot Camp Series @ FVT

We are considering hosting a Saturday Summer Boot Camp Series, would you be interested in joining us? This series of workouts is would be specifically designed for the summer season, and we would host it in June and July. Our Saturday morning boot camp sessions will have a unique and exciting theme, and will beContinue reading “Saturday Summer Boot Camp Series @ FVT”

Mindful Eating Workshop – Recap + 3 Tips:

Our Mindful Eating Workshop was a great success! I may hold an “encore” event at some point in the next couple of months – this one would likely be at our Sacramento gym (and also available to attend via zoom)… reply to this message if you’d be interested, if we have enough folks, we’ll putContinue reading “Mindful Eating Workshop – Recap + 3 Tips:”

10 Amusing Benefits of a Workout Partner

Here are 10 great reasons to bring a friend to our upcoming Bring a Buddy Boot Camp on Wednesday, April 26th at 6pm: Because it’s more fun to yell at someone to keep going than to yell at yourself. To have someone to blame for all the weird grunts and noises you make during thoseContinue reading “10 Amusing Benefits of a Workout Partner”