We are looking for about three to five men and women who live and/or work in the Land Park / Midtown / Downtown areas of Sacramento to try our semi private personal training program this month. We currently have a couple of different small groups going, with a couple of different focuses. One of themContinue reading ““Foundations” – Functional Fitness TGU / Swing Workout”
Category Archives: Tips and Tricks
(video) the 5-point mental “checklist” I think about before a deadlift session
*We are looking for about three to five men and women who live and/or work in the Land Park / Midtown / Downtown areas of Sacramento to try our semi private personal training program this month. We currently have a couple of different small groups going, with a couple of different focuses. One of themContinue reading “(video) the 5-point mental “checklist” I think about before a deadlift session”
5 Minute Core Workout
Want to get some extra work on your abs? You can do this 5 minute core workout any time, any place, in 5 minutes or less! And best of all, there are ZERO crunches or sit ups… so it’s going to be safer and more effective than the abs workouts you’ve probably been doing: 5Continue reading “5 Minute Core Workout”
[video] 30-Sec Squat / Mobility Test
Want to know one of the best indicators of your hip mobility, and ability to move well in general? It’s the squat. So I have a simple squat test for you to try. You can do this right now!… and it will only take about 30 seconds. Let me know how you do: # 30-SecContinue reading “[video] 30-Sec Squat / Mobility Test”
???? 3 WORST Core Exercises – and What to Do Instead ????
If you are doing dozens of crunches to work your abs, and it’s not working, great news: You can stop. Because they are probably ineffective, and could even hurt you. Here are 3 of the WORST Core Exercises: 1 – Sit Ups and Crunches These old-school movements place stress on the spine, which can causeContinue reading “???? 3 WORST Core Exercises – and What to Do Instead ????”
High rep/low weight is NOT better for fat loss – here’s what to do instead:
The idea: High reps and low weight will help you be more “toned” and lose fat. Low reps will help you gain strength and build muscle. Forest says: WRONG Sorry Charlie. There’s not a single research study but I am aware of that proves “high reps” (for the purpose of this article, we’ll call thatContinue reading “High rep/low weight is NOT better for fat loss – here’s what to do instead:”
Squats are NOT bad for your knees. Here’s why:
Myths quickly spread in the gym. One of those common myths is that squats are bad for your knees. But some recent research would contradict this idea. – Two large reviews looked at the impact of exercise on knee joints (see link at the bottom of this article). And the big conclusion was that joint-loadingContinue reading “Squats are NOT bad for your knees. Here’s why:”
[New Research] Weird “Cold Exposure” Hack Burns 15% More Calories?
I was watching a documentary on Netflix yesterday. It followed top CrossFit athletes as they competed in their big annual competition – “the CrossFit Games” – a few years back. They do several very intense and totally different workouts each day, for several days on end. One of the things they were doing were iceContinue reading “[New Research] Weird “Cold Exposure” Hack Burns 15% More Calories?”