“Foundations” – Functional Fitness TGU / Swing Workout

We are looking for about three to five men and women who live and/or work in the Land Park / Midtown / Downtown areas of Sacramento to try our semi private personal training program this month. We currently have a couple of different small groups going, with a couple of different focuses. One of themContinue reading ““Foundations” – Functional Fitness TGU / Swing Workout”

(video) the 5-point mental “checklist” I think about before a deadlift session

*We are looking for about three to five men and women who live and/or work in the Land Park / Midtown / Downtown areas of Sacramento to try our semi private personal training program this month. We currently have a couple of different small groups going, with a couple of different focuses. One of themContinue reading “(video) the 5-point mental “checklist” I think about before a deadlift session”

[video] 30-Sec Squat / Mobility Test

Want to know one of the best indicators of your hip mobility, and ability to move well in general? It’s the squat. So I have a simple squat test for you to try. You can do this right now!… and it will only take about 30 seconds. Let me know how you do: # 30-SecContinue reading “[video] 30-Sec Squat / Mobility Test”

???? 3 WORST Core Exercises – and What to Do Instead ????

If you are doing dozens of crunches to work your abs, and it’s not working, great news: You can stop. Because they are probably ineffective, and could even hurt you. Here are 3 of the WORST Core Exercises: 1 – Sit Ups and Crunches These old-school movements place stress on the spine, which can causeContinue reading “???? 3 WORST Core Exercises – and What to Do Instead ????”

High rep/low weight is NOT better for fat loss – here’s what to do instead:

The idea: High reps and low weight will help you be more “toned” and lose fat. Low reps will help you gain strength and build muscle. Forest says: WRONG Sorry Charlie. There’s not a single research study but I am aware of that proves “high reps” (for the purpose of this article, we’ll call thatContinue reading “High rep/low weight is NOT better for fat loss – here’s what to do instead:”

Squats are NOT bad for your knees. Here’s why:

Myths quickly spread in the gym. One of those common myths is that squats are bad for your knees. But some recent research would contradict this idea. – Two large reviews looked at the impact of exercise on knee joints (see link at the bottom of this article). And the big conclusion was that joint-loadingContinue reading “Squats are NOT bad for your knees. Here’s why:”

[New Research] Weird “Cold Exposure” Hack Burns 15% More Calories?

I was watching a documentary on Netflix yesterday. It followed top CrossFit athletes as they competed in their big annual competition – “the CrossFit Games” – a few years back. They do several very intense and totally different workouts each day, for several days on end. One of the things they were doing were iceContinue reading “[New Research] Weird “Cold Exposure” Hack Burns 15% More Calories?”