Seeking out qualified professionals for help is generally accepted as the best solution when it comes to many common problems – we go to the doctor when we’re sick, to an accountant when it’s tax time, etc. Interestingly, when need advice about reaching our health and fitness goals, many of us are satisfied with answersContinue reading “Where Are You Getting Your Fitness Advice?”
Category Archives: Tips and Tricks
5 Diet Tips To Supercharge Your Weight Loss Efforts
Trying to lose weight? Having trouble sticking to your diet plan? Here are five tips to help you make faster progress towards your fitness goals: 1. Stock up for success/ be prepared If you have healthy food around the house, you’re a lot less likely to hit up the In-n-Out burger on the way homeContinue reading “5 Diet Tips To Supercharge Your Weight Loss Efforts”
Cardio Tip Of The Day: High Intensity Interval Training
Whether your goal is fat loss or improved conditioning, HIIT (short for High Intensity Interval Training) could be the secret to reaching your fat loss goals in record time. Not for the faint of heart, this type of training is intense – but hey, that’s a good thing. If you’re gonna show up, you mightContinue reading “Cardio Tip Of The Day: High Intensity Interval Training”