5 Minute ‘Crunchless’ Abs (new video)

Cool new video for you to check out – it’s a ‘Crunchless’ ab circuit that’ll take you about five minutes to do – See, it turns out that Crunches are just okay for working your abs. Although a wicked Crunch circuit can give you a great ab burn (and that’s why I still include ’emContinue reading “5 Minute ‘Crunchless’ Abs (new video)”

MY Daily Diet + New ‘Virtual Pro Shop’

Hope your 2011 is off to a great start! Couple new cool things for ‘ya this week: MY daily diet My diet is geared towards the same goals you probably have – optimum health, weight maintainence and high energy – so hopefully it’ll help you figure out a reasonable and effective plan for yourself. (IfContinue reading “MY Daily Diet + New ‘Virtual Pro Shop’”

The 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint v 2.0 (it’s free)

I’ve got a new and improved version of my 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint for you to download – in it, you’ll discover: A total-body resistance training workout that’ll get you on the fast track to fat loss A complete meal plan to help you lose fat fast An interval cardio workout to helpContinue reading “The 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint v 2.0 (it’s free)”

Could Your Bathroom Scale Be Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Efforts?

Relying on the scale as your only measure of progress is a big mistake Imagine this: You just started a new personal training program. You’ve been following the diet your trainer has recommended, you’ve been working out a consistent four to five times per week and most importantly, you’re starting to embrace the new fitness-consciousContinue reading “Could Your Bathroom Scale Be Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Efforts?”

Kettlebells For Time Saving Holiday Workouts (plus sample routine)

Kettlebells are one of the best training tools around for time-saving holiday workouts Something I hear from clients all the time is this: ‘If I can’t get a full (45-60 minute) workout in, it’s pointless – so I just don’t do anything.’ But here’s the thing: Something is always better than nothing. And almost everyoneContinue reading “Kettlebells For Time Saving Holiday Workouts (plus sample routine)”

Kettlebell Training For Fat Loss And Six Pack Abs

If you’re looking to shed some pounds and flatten up your stomach – and you’re not using kettlebells in your workouts – you’re missing out big time. Kettlebell training is hands-down one of the best, fastest, and most efficient ways to both lose body fat and carve out those six pack abs. KB’s train yourContinue reading “Kettlebell Training For Fat Loss And Six Pack Abs”

3 Good Ways To Injure Yourself Working Out

You’re finally getting your workout schedule dialed in. You’re shedding body fat and gaining lean muscle. Just as you’re really hitting your grove, just as you’re finally finding a program you can actually stick to – that old nagging injury rears it’s ugly head. Maybe you’re even getting pain somewhere new – the shoulders, kneesContinue reading “3 Good Ways To Injure Yourself Working Out”

5 Minute Ab Blast

New and challenging ab workouts are always a hit in our group personal training and fitness boot camp classes … here’s a sample ab workout that hits all areas of your midsection (and only takes about 5 minutes): So again, to complete this ab workout, you would: Perform 15 crunches Follow the crunches with 15Continue reading “5 Minute Ab Blast”