Free Boot Camp This Saturday @ 10:30am – Last Call!!

Last call for Saturday’s free boot camp … 4 spots remain as of 7:15 am Thursday!! The theme of this camp is ‘Bring-A-Buddy’, but if you’d like to give one of my classes a try, you’re still welcome to attend even if you don’t know anyone currently enrolled in one of my programs. If youContinue reading “Free Boot Camp This Saturday @ 10:30am – Last Call!!”

Forest On ‘KCRA Workouts A-Z’; ‘Bring A Buddy’ on March 23rd

Each Monday morning, Deirdre Fitzpatrick from KCRA Channel 3 is doing a new workout for every letter of the alphabet … ‘K’ is for kettlebell … and I was lucky enough to have her at my studio last week to shoot the segment on kettlebell training! Check out how last week’s workout (J for theContinue reading “Forest On ‘KCRA Workouts A-Z’; ‘Bring A Buddy’ on March 23rd”

Kettlebells For Time Saving Holiday Workouts (plus sample routine)

Kettlebells are one of the best training tools around for time-saving holiday workouts Something I hear from clients all the time is this: ‘If I can’t get a full (45-60 minute) workout in, it’s pointless – so I just don’t do anything.’ But here’s the thing: Something is always better than nothing. And almost everyoneContinue reading “Kettlebells For Time Saving Holiday Workouts (plus sample routine)”

5 Minute Ab Blast

New and challenging ab workouts are always a hit in our group personal training and fitness boot camp classes … here’s a sample ab workout that hits all areas of your midsection (and only takes about 5 minutes): So again, to complete this ab workout, you would: Perform 15 crunches Follow the crunches with 15Continue reading “5 Minute Ab Blast”

Flexibility Training For The Office Dweller

It’s a safe bet that 75% of our clients at FVT sit down for most of the day. The main problem with this is that the human body isn’t designed to sit in a chair for eight hours at a time. Hours of being in a seated position every day eventually leads to the developmentContinue reading “Flexibility Training For The Office Dweller”

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss This Weekend’s Open House

We’re having an open house this Saturday at Anytime Fitness East Sacramento and we’d love for you to be there! Here are 7 reasons why you can’t afford to miss it: 1. Free snacks and drinks 2. Free samples of our new supplement line – multi vitamins, bars, shakes, fat burners, energy management supplements andContinue reading “7 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss This Weekend’s Open House”

Announcing The Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive

Warning: Today’s post is a bit on the serious side. I want to share with you today a story I recently heard about a local dog (from the website) that broke my heart: “Murphy was one of three dogs confined to a backyard by an owner who had stopped feeding them for months simplyContinue reading “Announcing The Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive”

How To Break Your Fat Loss Plateau

Hey guys … if you’re stuck, here’s how you can start making progress again – Enter to win a totally free copy of the Ultimate Fitness Resource Toolkit – the compete workout road map, meal plan, and guide to getting in the proper mindset to lose fat – For more details and to enter theContinue reading “How To Break Your Fat Loss Plateau”