October 2011 Nutrition Challenge

Processed sugar is a refined, concentrated form of sugar with no nutritional value aside from calories. This type of sugar raises insulin levels in your blood; insulin leads to storage of fat, therefore when you eat foods high in processed sugar, you are raising your level of fat storage in your body. Not only that,Continue reading “October 2011 Nutrition Challenge”

August 2011 Nutrition Challenge

Nutrition is the most important factor in fat loss. It doesn’t matter how great your workout program is – you can’t expect to eat crappy food and dramatically change your body. It just won’t work. Now, one of the most critical (and most neglected) aspects of healthy eating is planning ahead. And that’s the basisContinue reading “August 2011 Nutrition Challenge”

July 2011 Nutrition Challenge

  Last month we finished up our six months of nutrition challenges with the Forest Vance Training Community Cookbook (for more details about that – and if you’re interested in ordering a copy – click here). The monthly nutrition challenges were a hit – so we’re going to keep them going! The goal will beContinue reading “July 2011 Nutrition Challenge”

Forest Vance Training Community Cookbook (you’re invited to contribute)

Healthy eating is a topic on the top of almost everyone’s mind that’s involved in any kind of fitness program. And I know that a lot of you make a daily effort to eat healthy and have inventive recipes you use to help you do it. Enter the Forest Vance Training community cookbook! Here areContinue reading “Forest Vance Training Community Cookbook (you’re invited to contribute)”

May 2011 Nutrition Challenge

Drink only non-calorie containing beverages A lot of folks are very surprised at, when they keep a food log (as I have every new client do when they start on a group or one-on-one personal training program), how many calories they’re consuming in liquid form. Cutting out soda, juice, and other calorie-containing beverages can beContinue reading “May 2011 Nutrition Challenge”

April 2011 Nutrition Challenge

Without question, one of the best ways to make fast progress towards your fat loss goals is to keep a diet journal. Using the method I’m going to outline in this months’ challenge, you’ll make guaranteed progress if you follow it to a ‘T’ … April 2011 Nutrition Challenge 1. Start this month’s nutrition challengeContinue reading “April 2011 Nutrition Challenge”

March 2011 Nutrition Challenge

It’s time for the monthly nutrition challenge … here’s the concept, in case it’s your first one: For a week out of every month, we’ll announce a nutrition ‘challenge’. Over the next six months, we’ll touch on a ‘pilar’ of good eating for a week out of every month … and if you take everyContinue reading “March 2011 Nutrition Challenge”

Monthly Nutrition Challenge + Beyond Core Strength Workshop Update

Happy Monday! This month’s nutrition challenge: Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day You can read about last month’s – and the concept behind these monthly challenges – by clicking here Also, our Beyond Core Strength Workshop – where you’ll learn about the right way to strengthen your ‘core’, injuryContinue reading “Monthly Nutrition Challenge + Beyond Core Strength Workshop Update”