(video) KB Basics Workshop “Sneak Peek” – Learn the Kettlebell Snatch

Today’s video was filmed at Kettlebell Basics workshop we put on a couple of years back. In it, you will learn the basics of the snatch, in about 3 minutes: Your next step is easy: Our upcoming KB Basics Workshop @ FVT (1530 X Street location) – Weds, Nov 14th, 6-8pm is a rare opportunityContinue reading “(video) KB Basics Workshop “Sneak Peek” – Learn the Kettlebell Snatch”

Nov 14th KB Basics Workshop is LIVE

Nov 14th KB Basics Workshop is LIVE! KB Basics Workshop @ FVT (1530 X Street location) – Weds, Nov 14th, 6-8pm This special event is for YOU if: You are new to kettlebells, and you want to learn the basics of training with them safely and effectively You have trained with kettlebells for a short,Continue reading “Nov 14th KB Basics Workshop is LIVE”

SAVE THE DATE – KB Basics Workshop @ FVT – Weds, Nov 14th

SAVE THE DATE – KB Basics Workshop @ FVT (1530 X Street location) – Weds, Nov 14th, 6-8pm This special event is for YOU if: You are new to kettlebells, and you want to learn the basics of training with them safely and effectively You have trained with kettlebells for a short, or even longContinue reading “SAVE THE DATE – KB Basics Workshop @ FVT – Weds, Nov 14th”

(new vid) 20 Min KB / BW HIIT Blaster

Today’s kettlebell and bodyweight – based HIIT workout: – Can be done any time, any place – Requires just a single kettlebell – Can be completed, start to finish, in 20 minutes – Will give you SERIOUS fat blasting results Check it out: # 20 Min Kettlebell / Bodyweight HIIT Blaster Do as many repsContinue reading “(new vid) 20 Min KB / BW HIIT Blaster”

6 Minute Kettlebell Ab Workout [vid]

You might not think that kettlebell swings work your abs. But after you do today’s workout, you’ll probably change your mind! Check it out below. And if you enjoy, also be sure to stay tuned – my new Kettlebell Ab Challenge course is almost done, and will be available VERY soon: # Kettlebell / BodyweightContinue reading “6 Minute Kettlebell Ab Workout [vid]”

What size kettlebell is right for you?

Are you getting started with a new KB program, and wondering what size ‘bell is right for you? (By the way … if you ARE looking to get started with KBs … this is PERFECT TIMING … because our 28 Day Fall 2018 Transformation Challenge kicks off next week!) Let me break it down forContinue reading “What size kettlebell is right for you?”

(video) Kettlebell Snatch Technique

The kettlebell snatch is a great exercise. It can help you shred fat and build your conditioning levels, FAST! But, it’s also somewhat technical, and the form can be tricky to learn. In today’s video, I cover one common mistake (and fix) that will help you improve your technique so that you can get allContinue reading “(video) Kettlebell Snatch Technique”

(new video) Drill for Bang-Free Kettlebell Cleans

The #1 complaint I get on kettlebell cleans is that folks end up banging their wrists when learning how to do the move. Can you relate? You see, one of the causes of banging the wrist on the KB clean is using too much hip drive. Though the MOVEMENT PATTERN is the same, you haveContinue reading “(new video) Drill for Bang-Free Kettlebell Cleans”