Performing the Hero WOD “Murph” on Memorial Day has been a tradition over the last 10 years or so in many tactical fitness circles. The workout was first made popular by the CrossFit community, who perform many workouts created to honor fallen heroes, commonly called the Hero’s WOD (Workout of the Day). Navy Lieutenant MichaelContinue reading “Memorial Day KB “Murph””
Category Archives: Kettlebells
FVT Online Kettlebell Bootcamp – 14 Day Jump Start
ATTN: kettlebell fans aged 40 and up If you: – Want to stay healthy– Want to keep stress levels down– Want some structure around their workout program– Want to keep their fitness up– Want to lose the “quarantine 15” My NEW FVT Online Kettlebell Bootcamp – 14 Day Jump Start could be the perfect fit! You’re going to getContinue reading “FVT Online Kettlebell Bootcamp – 14 Day Jump Start”
the Feb Fallout
Recent stats show that almost 80% of people have already given up on their New Year’s resolution by mid-February. Since it’s February 8th as I write this note, I thought I would check in: How are you doing with your resolution? Do you need help getting back on track? There are a number of reasonsContinue reading “the Feb Fallout”
Do you get bruised wrists from your kettlebell workouts? Here’s how to fix it!
If you tend to end up with bruised wrists from your kettlebell workouts, today’s video is going to show you how to fix it! One of the common exercises this happens with is the kettlebell clean. Two tips that are going to help: 1 – “Tame the Arc” When the KB comes down, we wantContinue reading “Do you get bruised wrists from your kettlebell workouts? Here’s how to fix it!”
15 Minute Halloween Kettlebell Workout
Burn some extra calories with this 15 Minute Halloween Kettlebell Workout! You’ll train your heart, burn fat, build strength and have fun in the process – just like you will if you join our upcoming FREE online Halloween-themed live workout on Saturday, Oct 24th at 9am: 15 Minute Halloween Kettlebell Workout Do as manyContinue reading “15 Minute Halloween Kettlebell Workout”
19 min KB-MRT (metabolic resistance training) workout
Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) is one of the best ways around to burn maximum fat in minimum time. You’re going to do: — “Big muscle” movements like squatting, rows and presses (kettlebells are perfect for this) — Mid-range rep counts (no more than 10) with minimal rest between sets (10 seconds works well) — HighContinue reading “19 min KB-MRT (metabolic resistance training) workout”
Kettlebell “MRT” Circuit Workout
Got a kettlebell or two? Here is a workout you can complete any time, any place, in about 20 minutes. We use the “MRT” concept in putting this one together. With this method, we pack more exercise into less time. So we’re doing “big muscle” movements like squatting, rows and presses (kettlebells are perfect forContinue reading “Kettlebell “MRT” Circuit Workout”
New KB Squat Challenge Vid + Bring-a-Bud Virtual Workout
I was in my garage this morning during the lockdown doing a kettlebell workout… I did the Sally Up Sally Down kettlebell squat challenge.. and thought, why not hop on video and do it live?!? I used a 24 kilo / 53 pound… kettlebell you can go up or down on that weight – orContinue reading “New KB Squat Challenge Vid + Bring-a-Bud Virtual Workout”