Chris Hemsworth is one of the most popular actors today, and he gets into jaw-dropping physical condition for his roles in movies like Thor and The Avengers. I recently stumbled across a pretty interesting interview with his personal trainer, and thought I would share a few take-aways, since I know adding strength is a bigContinue reading “Workout Plan from Chris Hemsworth’s Personal Trainer”
Category Archives: Kettlebells
Alan’s Kettlebell Complex: Sample Personalized Workout
Question: If I went through YOUR current (or past) kettlebell routine, could you tell me the WHY behind how it’s put together? For example, could you answer: – Why (or why not) each exercise is included?– Why you are doing the specific amount of sets / reps chosen for each move?– Why each muscle groupContinue reading “Alan’s Kettlebell Complex: Sample Personalized Workout”
Top 4 Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners
Kettlebell workouts are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. They are an incredibly efficient way to work out your entire body in a short amount of time. Plus, they are really fun! If you are thinking about starting a kettlebell workout routine, here are 4 beginner-friendly exercises to get you started: *IfContinue reading “Top 4 Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners”
KBs for ABS: Bear Plank + Paused Row
The Kettlebell Bear Plank + Paused Row will hammer your abs while building your back, all at the same time. Start in a bear plank position with your wrists below your shoulders, your knees off the floor, and your core and glutes tight. Your hands should be gripping the kettlebells. Keeping your hips and shouldersContinue reading “KBs for ABS: Bear Plank + Paused Row”
1000 Calorie Kettlebell Workout
The Holiday season is upon us! I want to help you AVOID what’s happened to me in the past around this time of year. I’ve also seen this happen with countless clients: The week of Thanksgiving hits, and we sort of mentally back off our fitness program. It’s basically five or six weeks of justContinue reading “1000 Calorie Kettlebell Workout”
14-min Kettlebell EMOM Workout
This morning‘s early morning kettlebell workout at FVT Personal Training was a CRUSHER, as usual! EMOM is an acronym for “every minute on the minute.” These type of workouts challenge you to complete an exercise for a certain number of reps in less than 60 seconds. The remaining time within the minute serves as yourContinue reading “14-min Kettlebell EMOM Workout”
Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT
We are going to put on a Kettlebell Workshop in the near future at FVT! Originally, the plan was to do the event 100% online, but due to popular demand, I am considering opening up a handful of spots for folks to attend in-person at our Sacramento, CA facility as well. If you are interested,Continue reading “Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT”
1776 Rep KB Boot Camp Buddy Workout
Burn some major calories and stoke your metabolism this Holiday! Try this epic 1776 Rep KB Boot Camp Buddy Workout: 1 – GET WITH A PARTNER2 – BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU – in any combination / order you want – complete 8 rounds of the circuit below, as fast as possible: 20 push ups10Continue reading “1776 Rep KB Boot Camp Buddy Workout”