Kettlebell Balistics Workshop with Forest Vance

Learn the Basics of Safe and Effective Form in the HardStyle Kettlebell Swing, Clean, and Snatch! >> Kettlebell Balistics Workshop with Forest Vance – Sign Up Now Forest Vance is a former pro football player, kettlebell expert, and the owner of FVT Personal Training. In this workshop, you will learn: The basics of safe andContinue reading “Kettlebell Balistics Workshop with Forest Vance”

Kettlebell Workshop?

Hey, this might be right up your alley – We’re putting on a Kettlebell Balistics workshop with Forest at the Sacramento FVT studio near the end of February and we’d love to have you there! This would be led by Forest at the Sacramento FVT studio, and we’d be covering the basics of effective formContinue reading “Kettlebell Workshop?”

20-minute at-home 300-rep KB Challenge workout

I’ve had a lot of people request quick workouts that can be done in around 20 minutes. Kettlebells are the perfect tool for this. With a kettlebell or two and your own bodyweight, you can get a full body strength AND cardio workout in about 20 minutes. We can even work in some core andContinue reading “20-minute at-home 300-rep KB Challenge workout”

Maximize Your Fat Burn: The 820 Calorie Kettlebell Workout

This kettlebell workout is an excellent way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. In just 45 minutes, you can burn up to 820 calories! Keep in mind that everyone burns calories differently, so your results may vary. But one thing is for sure: you’re going to get an amazingContinue reading “Maximize Your Fat Burn: The 820 Calorie Kettlebell Workout”

The 12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout

Hey there, it’s Christmas time! I’m headed off to spend time with friends and family, but I wanted to send you this fun kettlebell workout beforehand. You can use it to celebrate and even burn some extra calories before the big day. Have a happy holiday! -Forest and the FVT Team at – 12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell WorkoutContinue reading “The 12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout”

Work Off Those Extra Calories With Our 500 Calorie Thanksgiving Workout

The holiday season is a time for indulgence. From pumpkin pie to Thanksgiving turkey, there are plenty of opportunities to overindulge. But all those extra calories can add up, leaving you feeling sluggish and bloated.  The good news is that there are plenty of ways to offset the damage. Our 500 calorie Thanksgiving workout isContinue reading “Work Off Those Extra Calories With Our 500 Calorie Thanksgiving Workout”

You-Go-I-Go Partner Kettlebell Workout

You and your partner will take turns completing a full round each in this 15-minute AMRAP workout, which includes kettlebell snatches, burpees, and air squats. See who the champion is after a single round or best of 3 rounds! After you give this workout a try, also be sure to sign up you and yourContinue reading “You-Go-I-Go Partner Kettlebell Workout”

Kettlebells for Abs – “Royal Flush”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Forest Vance Training (@forestvancetraining) Kettlebells for Abs – “Royal Flush” Do 3 rounds of the following: 5 One Arm KB Swings (right)5 One Arm KB Swings (left)10 Mountain Climbers (per side)5 KB Cleans (right)5 KB Cleans (left)High Plank with 10 Shoulder Taps (per side)5 KB SnatchesContinue reading “Kettlebells for Abs – “Royal Flush””