We are holding TWO kettlebell workshops at the FVT Studio in Sacramento, CA on June 15th, 2013 – and spots are filling fast!! This email is to give you the heads up, and to make sure you get in on the early bird discount if you’re looking to sign up. We have eight “early birdContinue reading “June 15th KB Workshops – Register Now to Ensure Your Early Bird Discount”
Category Archives: Kettlebells
Kettlebell and Resistance Band Workout
I posted this article and video up a few months ago on my personal blog at ForestVance.com … and in light of our kettlebell and resistance band 20% off sale in the FVT Pro Shop this month, I thought I’d re-post it here for your benefit. Enjoy! Kettlebells are a tool that can be usedContinue reading “Kettlebell and Resistance Band Workout”
How to Lose 15.4 Pounds in 30 Days (2013 FVT RFLC recap)
This last Saturday, we finished up and celebrated what turned out to be the most successful FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge EVER. Jimmy B, winner of the FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge and $300 in prize money – lost 15.4 pounds and 8.17% of his body weight in just 30 days!! A couple of prettyContinue reading “How to Lose 15.4 Pounds in 30 Days (2013 FVT RFLC recap)”
Kettlebell/Body Weight Boot Camp Buddy Workout
I posted this workout up on my personal site – ForestVance.com – a few days ago, and have gotten some great feedback from it. So, if you missed it – check it out. It makes for a great weekend workout! – Forest Kettlebell/Body Weight Boot Camp Buddy Workout by Forest Vance, MS, RKC II IContinue reading “Kettlebell/Body Weight Boot Camp Buddy Workout”
Jan. 26th 2013 Kettlebell Workshop Highlights
Whew! We held a kettlebell workshop over this last weekend at the FVT studio, and I just finished a full write up on the day – including highlights and 10 take-away tips you can use in your own training right away: => FVT Kettlebell Workshop – blog post + video I even got challenged toContinue reading “Jan. 26th 2013 Kettlebell Workshop Highlights”
Best Kettlebell Workouts in Sacramento (FVT is on top!)
In a recent article on sacramento.cbslocal.com, Forest Vance Training was at the top of the ‘Best Kettlebell Workouts in Sacramento’ list! Click here to see the article: => Best Kettlebell Workouts in Sacramento And learn more about kettlebell instruction at FVT here: => Sacramento Kettlebell Instruction
Kettlebell Workshop @ Forest Vance Training, Inc. Saturday, January 26th 2013
If you’re: Looking to learn the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training Already training with KB’s, but having problems mastering good technique Tired of your lower back/forearms/shoulders/etc. hurting after a KB training session Simply love kettlebells, want to discover new training tips and workouts, and spend an awesome day around like-minded kettlebell enthusiasts You’llContinue reading “Kettlebell Workshop @ Forest Vance Training, Inc. Saturday, January 26th 2013”
How to Prevent Lower Back Pain from Kettlebell Training
About five years ago, when I first started training with kettlebells, most people didn’t quite know what to think. I’d ask a new client if they had ever heard of a KB, and 95% of the time, they’d give me a puzzled look. Now, almost everyone I talk to has at least HEARD of kettlebells.Continue reading “How to Prevent Lower Back Pain from Kettlebell Training”