Bro Diet Basics, Part 9 – “Brian” Sample Day of Eating

For the last couple of weeks, I have been writing up sample meal plans for a variety of different pretend clients. The intent has been to put everything together that we’ve covered over the last six months or so in our “Bro Diet” series, and to give you a starting point for how to eatContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 9 – “Brian” Sample Day of Eating”

Bro Diet Basics, Part 8 – “Jessica” Sample Day of Eating

Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter the free custom meal plan “contest” last week! (If you missed it, I’ll post the link one more time at the bottom of this article.) Today I picked “Jessica” to do a custom meal plan for. Here are Jessica’s stats: – 183 pounds– 25% bodyfat– moderatelyContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 8 – “Jessica” Sample Day of Eating”

I want to design you a custom meal plan – for free!

I want to design you a custom meal plan – for free! I have done two “sample days” of eating in my bro diet series so far (I’ll link ’em up below in case you missed)… but I want to do a few more! I think it’s very helpful for people to see what anContinue reading “I want to design you a custom meal plan – for free!”

Bro Diet Basics, Part 7 – Forest Sample Day of Eating

People always ask me – “but what do YOU eat every day?” Here’s the thing: if you’re reading this article, chances are your goals are different than mine, lol! But I’ll do it, to give you some ideas, and so that you can come up with a starting point for yourself. Right now I’m tryingContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 7 – Forest Sample Day of Eating”

Bro Diet Basics, Part 6 – “Jennifer” Sample Day of Eating

“Jennifer” is a new client at FVT personal training. The #1 thing she wants to accomplish over the next 90 days is fat loss! So we sit down and help her come up with an eating strategy to reach her goal. This is an individualized plan for “Jennifer”. Just a few factors we considered toContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 6 – “Jennifer” Sample Day of Eating”

Bro Diet Basics, Part 5 – SAMPLE DAY OF EATING

Have you ever gone some time without seeing a friend or family member, then been surprised – or even shocked! – at the fitness transformation they’ve made since you’ve seen them last? 99.9% chance DIET was a big part of that positive change. I get that “diet” is one of those trigger words for peopleContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 5 – SAMPLE DAY OF EATING”

Bro Diet Basics, Part 4 – CARBS

Welcome to part 4 of Bro Diet Basics! So far, we’ve covered: – How to figure your daily calorie requirements– Protein needs– Importance of fats Today we’re going to talk carbs! Carbohydrates are not evil. We need them as our body’s main source of energy. They help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and centralContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 4 – CARBS”