The 5 Best and Worst Thanksgiving Dishes, According to Me

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and of course, food! There are so many different dishes that are traditionally served on Thanksgiving, and it can be hard to decide what to make. To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of the 5 best and worst Thanksgiving dishes, according to me.  The best ThanksgivingContinue reading “The 5 Best and Worst Thanksgiving Dishes, According to Me”

5 best and 5 worst Halloween candies

Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday for kids and adults alike. One of the best parts of Halloween is, of course, the candy!! However, not all candy is created equal. Some types of candy are definitely better than others. Here are the 5 best and 5 worst Halloween candies, according to my highly scientificContinue reading “5 best and 5 worst Halloween candies”

Can You Out-Train A Bad Diet? The Answer Might Surprise You

The notion that you can out-train a bad diet is a popular one. After all, if you are putting in the hard work at the gym, you should be able to enjoy the occasional cheat meal, right? Well – the answer to the question of “Can You Out-Train A Bad Diet?” is probably no. OneContinue reading “Can You Out-Train A Bad Diet? The Answer Might Surprise You”

7 Quick And Healthy Snack Ideas For When You’re On The Go

*The clock is ticking! We kick off our Fall 28-day Drop a Size Challenge at FVT next week. Reply with the word CHALLENGE to this message and we’ll send you all the details! When you’re on-the-go, it can be difficult to find time to eat let alone make something healthy. But snacks are essential toContinue reading “7 Quick And Healthy Snack Ideas For When You’re On The Go”

1200 Calorie Diets: 3 Reasons They’re Doomed To Fail

If you’re trying to eat healthier or lose weight, you’ve probably been on a diet or two in your lifetime. And while you may have seen some success in the short-term, chances are you eventually reverted back to your old eating habits. One popular approach is the 1200 calorie diet. This diet plan involves eatingContinue reading “1200 Calorie Diets: 3 Reasons They’re Doomed To Fail”

The Ugly Truth About Eating Nuts If You Want To Lose Weight

Nuts are often touted as being a healthy snack option, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. But the truth is, nuts are not as healthy as you might think. In fact, they can actually be quite harmful to your weight loss efforts! You see, nuts are calorie-dense, and can easily lead to weight gainContinue reading “The Ugly Truth About Eating Nuts If You Want To Lose Weight”

the “Healthiest” Fast Food Choices: You’re Still Eating Garbage

We all know that fast food is bad for us. But sometimes, we just don’t have the time to cook a healthy meal. When that happens, we turn to fast food. But what are the “healthiest” fast food choices? Unfortunately, even the “healthiest” fast food choices are still bad for you. They’re high in calories,Continue reading “the “Healthiest” Fast Food Choices: You’re Still Eating Garbage”