Special Holiday Workout + Meal Planning Tips

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving and/or Chaunkkah – I hope you have a special day with your loved ones. I have a holiday workout for you today AND some meal planning tips:   You can find the workout here: => NEW 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint PLUS 15 Minute Follow-Along Video This is perfectContinue reading “Special Holiday Workout + Meal Planning Tips”

Nutrition Workshop Recap, New Coaching Program Details (missing link in reaching your fitness goals?)

I REALLY love doing workshops. Getting a group of folks all in one place that are passionate in learning about one single topic is fantastic. Last week’s nutrition workshop at the studio was no exception. Great turn out and energy and just a great event overall. Big focus on these in 2014 at FVT soContinue reading “Nutrition Workshop Recap, New Coaching Program Details (missing link in reaching your fitness goals?)”