Sabrina came to FVT looking to get back into shape and on a consistent workout routine. Specifically, she wanted to lose about 15 lbs of body fat and add a little lean muscle. Sabrina exceeded her goal, losing 18 pounds within the first three months … and even more impressive, has KEPT the weight offContinue reading “Meet Sabrina!”
Category Archives: Client Success Stories
Meet Dan!
Seeing Dan now, you would never guess that less than three months ago, he was almost 20 pounds heavier. For years he had tried losing weight using fad diets, various supplements and on-again off-again workout programs. But when he decided to take our last rapid fat loss challenge, everything changed. He lost 11 poundsContinue reading “Meet Dan!”
Meet Ryan!
Ryan started at the FVT studio almost exactly one year ago looking to weight, shed body fat, and gain back the fitness he once had. He had been fit and active in the past, but for a variety of reasons, let himself slip out of peak condition. In the last twelve months, training at theContinue reading “Meet Ryan!”
Meet Jim!
Jim came to me looking to prepare for the Russian Kettlebell Challenge Certification. He had been training with kettlebells on his own for some time – and was doing well. But he needed to really dial things in with his technique, and get MENTALLY prepared, for the 25+ hours of kettlebell training he was goingContinue reading “Meet Jim!”
Meet Sarai!
Sarai started at the FVT studio at the beginning of this year wanting to learn more about kettlebells, get back on track with her fitness program, get stronger, and lose some body fat. She had been very fit and active in the past, but for a variety of reasons, had let herself slip out ofContinue reading “Meet Sarai!”