Congrats Jill! 🎉💪

When people first walk through the doors at FVT, they usually have a clear goal in mind—maybe they want to lose 10 or 20 pounds, get stronger, or just feel better in their day-to-day life. And that’s exactly what we help them do. But something interesting happens along the way… Once they hit that firstContinue reading “Congrats Jill! 🎉💪”

“What an overall positive experience!” – Greg B

Greg started training with us at FVT in 2022. He’s got some kind words about our program to share! “What an overall positive experience! The programs are top notch as are the trainers. They really put the time in to working with you to meet your fitness goals. From the in-house workouts to the ancillaryContinue reading ““What an overall positive experience!” – Greg B”

Meet Jason ?

Are you ready to make a lasting change and reach your fitness goals? Our “20 in 6” Kettlebell challenge is designed to help you do just that! ->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge We have helped countless clients, like Jason, achieve their goals and transform their lives through personalized training and support. Just look at Jason’sContinue reading “Meet Jason ?”

A Doctor’s Opinion of FVT Personal Training

“As a physician, I have some expertise at rating the trainers I’ve had through the years. I’m pretty fussy when I choose and do not put up with people who don’t know their physiology. I would put Forest at the top of the group.” Thanks for the kind words Norm! When you’re ready, check outContinue reading “A Doctor’s Opinion of FVT Personal Training”