New Gear From Forest Vance Training – Save 10% Thru Sunday!

T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Stickers, and Buttons with unique designs from Forest Vance Training, Inc. and are offically here! Check out our store by clicking the link below: Kettlebell Gear – Shirts, Hats, and More We’re also having a sale to kick off our new clothing line: Every item in the store will be 10% offContinue reading “New Gear From Forest Vance Training – Save 10% Thru Sunday!”

Forest Vance Training, Inc. Around The Web

Hey all – make sure to connect up with Forest Vance Training wherever you hang out on the web: Forest Vance Training, Inc.’s Facebook Fan Page – Updated several times weekly with fitness tips and tricks, motivational quotes, etc. Forest Vance Training YouTube Channel – Kettlebell training videos, workouts, and more Forest Vance on TwitterContinue reading “Forest Vance Training, Inc. Around The Web”

The First Semi-Annual Bring A Friend Event

We’re holding our first semi-annual Bring A Friend Event starting next week! If you have a friend, family member, acquaintance, work associate, etc. who would like to join you during a training session, simply bring them along. Better yet, if your friend or family member signs up for any training program, you’ll both get oneContinue reading “The First Semi-Annual Bring A Friend Event”

Action From Our Bootcamps – And A Charity Drive Update

If you haven’t tried one of our group training sessions or boot camp classes yet, here’s a little preview of what you’re missing: And the best news: if you sign up before the end of the month, you can help a pet in need – half of your first month’s dues will go towards ourContinue reading “Action From Our Bootcamps – And A Charity Drive Update”

Announcing The Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive

Warning: Today’s post is a bit on the serious side. I want to share with you today a story I recently heard about a local dog (from the website) that broke my heart: “Murphy was one of three dogs confined to a backyard by an owner who had stopped feeding them for months simplyContinue reading “Announcing The Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive”

Group Training/ Boot Camp Times + Locations Posted

Moving forward, all group training/ boot camp times and locations will simply be posted on the site – if you have any questions, check here first!! You’ll find this information on the ‘Group Training/Boot Camp Times + Locations’ page – click the link at the top of the page from anywhere on the site toContinue reading “Group Training/ Boot Camp Times + Locations Posted”