A Great Tool For Helping You Stick To Your Diet And Exercise Program

Here’s a cool website that lets you set up email reminders set at semi-unpredictable intervals for whatever you want:
For example, you can set up an email to be delivered to you at pre-determined intervals to remind you to eat your vegetables, to take your multi-vitamin, to make sure and drink 10 glasses of water a day, etc.
That’s it for today … enjoy the rest of your weekend!

4 Reasons Why You Should Sign Up For The New The Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp

If you’re looking to take your fitness to the next level, if you want a new, cutting-edge workout routine, if you want to start every Tuesday and Friday off with a killer workout, but you’re still on the fence, here are four great reasons why you should come check out the new Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp from Forest Vance Training, Inc.:
1. Workout Intensity
Especially if you’re working out on your own, it’s really, really hard to work out as intensely as you would if you were working with a group. You’ll feed off of everyone’s energy and magnify your results.
2. Variety
It’s so easy to get stuck in a ‘workout rut’ – where you end up doing the same things day in, day out for long periods of time. At the Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp, we’ll mix things up for you with a variety of body weight, dumbell, medicine ball, and kettlebell workouts to keep your body guessing and keep you from hitting that plateau.
3. Knowing you’re doing things right
If you’ve never had instruction from a fitness professional, you truly don’t really know if your form is on point. Books or DVD’s just aren’t a replacement for a trained professional eye.
4. Reliable Indoor Location
Outdoor boot camps can be a lot of fun, but they can also suck when it rains or when it’s 6 am and it’s dark and you’re laying in the wet grass. I know it’s all part of the ‘boot camp’ spirit, but I think I’d rather be inside where I can focus on getting a great workout, not freezing my butt off – how about you?
These four great reasons – increasing the intensity of your workouts, mixing things up, coaching on proper form and a reliable indoor location – should be more than enough to motivate you to sign up for the new Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp if you’re still on the fence.
Contact us here or give us a call today at (916) 273 9366 to reserve your spot!
P.S. The indoor location does have a limited amount of space – we currently have 13 spots taken for the two week free trial starting Tuesday, March 9th, and only 15 will be accepted – so that leaves only two more spots! I’m expecting these spots to fill very fast – an email announcement is going out to our 450+ person Sacramento-based mailing list as we speak. So act now if you want in!!

Where Are You Getting Your Fitness Advice?

Seeking out qualified professionals for help is generally accepted as the best solution when it comes to many common problems – we go to the doctor when we’re sick, to an accountant when it’s tax time, etc. Interestingly, when need advice about reaching our health and fitness goals, many of us are satisfied with answers we get from friends, family, and acquaintances who may or may not be a reliable source of information. Take Peter Griffin’s tips on proper lifting technique, for example:

In all seriousness, next time you need help planning a fitness routine or putting together a meal plan, get the help of a fitness professional who is highly qualified and has helped people like you reach their fitness goals in the past. You’ll be glad you did – and you won’t risk ending up like Peter 🙂

The Best Way To Warm Up

There seems to be a little confusion as to the best and most effective way to warm up before a workout. Recent research has actually shown stretching before a workout to decrease performance – what we call a dynamic warm up is one of the best ways to get yourself ready to go for an upcoming training session. Check out this article over on the www.thefitnessmonster.com for more details on exactly what a dynamic warm up is and how to incorporate it into your routine:

5 Diet Tips To Supercharge Your Weight Loss Efforts

Trying to lose weight? Having trouble sticking to your diet plan? Here are five tips to help you make faster progress towards your fitness goals:

1. Stock up for success/ be prepared

If you have healthy food around the house, you’re a lot less likely to hit up the In-n-Out burger on the way home after a long day of work. Here are a couple examples of foods that won’t ruin your diet and are easy to prepare:

Pre-cooked grilled chicken breast
Bags of pre-washed greens
94% fat free microwave popcorn
Containers of pre-cooked brown rice
You get the idea. Set yourself up for success.

2. Pay attention to your portion sizes

Your stomach is really only about the size of a fist; that’s about how much food it takes to fill it. You should feel better when you’re done eating, not sluggish or stuffed.

Getting your portions under control could be the most important factor in your weight loss efforts. If you simply took everything you currently ate and cut it in half, you’d start losing weight fast.

3. Write down your goals and tell everyone about them

Write down your fitness goals. Tell your friends, co-workers, etc. about them. This is incredibly effective for any goal, fitness-related or not. Not only have you recorded what you’re trying to accomplish, everyone knows about what you’re doing, so you risk humiliation if you fail.

4. Think big picture

A lot of people seem to obsess about the ‘small’ stuff: if they ate white rice instead of brown, or if they slipped up and had desert one night after dinner. Honestly, these small things do add up and make a difference – but individually, they’re not going to kill your progress. This type of stuff happening every day is what ends up being a problem.

Look at where you’re at on a daily or weekly basis – if you’re in a calorie defecit, you should end up losing weight. This is where the importance of a food log comes in, too.

5. Have a cheat day once a week

Reward yourself for sticking to the plan all week long and eat what you want. This really helps keep you on track and gives you something to look forward to.

These simple tips really can make a difference in your diet efforts. The #1 thing is that you have to be committed – if you’re mentally ready to change, you’re well on your way.

Trying to lose weight and get in shape? Check out the new Hard Core Conditioning Camp in Land Park starting March 9th:

Announcing The Hard Core Conditioning Camp From Forest Vance Training, Inc.


From Fat And Flabby …
To Lean And Ripped!

Shed Stomach Fat And Get The Rock Hard Midsection You’ve Always Wanted …

Bad news first: If you’re trying to improve your core strength or lose fat around your midsection, hundreds or thousands of crunches every day or the latest ab contraption probably won’t solve your problem…
The good news is that with an intelligently designed workout program, a sound meal plan, and a little hard work, you can get a rock-hard, lean, and defined midsection once and for all!

Our new Hard Core Conditioning Camp could be just what you’re looking for. Beginning March 9th, 2010, Hard Core Conditioning will run on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 6am. The camp will be held at a reliable indoor location: Sacramento Bushido-Kai, 3200 Riverside Blvd #5977, Sacramento, CA 95818 (see map below for exact location):

We’ll be using a dynamite combo of body weight training, kettlebells, medicine balls, and more to blast your core and get you in incredible shape in a super-short amount of time. This will be a great program not only for losing stomach fat but for helping you get into fantastic overall condition as well.
Included in the boot camp program will be individual nutritional counseling in addition to monthly body fat, weight, and circumference measurements.
You get accountability, the high energy of a group, and a kick-ass start to the day!
Ready to sign up? Here’s the deal: We want to make sure you’re 100% committed to the program before you get started. Given that this is an indoor location, we also have a somewhat limited amount of space to work with.
To make sure we get the most committed and hardest working individuals, we’re offering a two-week free tryout to anyone who’s interested. You get to work out for two weeks for free and evaluate how you like the program. We’ll meet at the end, decide if the camp is a good fit, and move forward if you qualify.
That’s it! Camp starts March 9th – we have about 10 ‘free tryout’ spots left … contact us today to reserve yours!

Cardio Tip Of The Day: High Intensity Interval Training

Whether your goal is fat loss or improved conditioning, HIIT (short for High Intensity Interval Training) could be the secret to reaching your fat loss goals in record time. Not for the faint of heart, this type of training is intense – but hey, that’s a good thing. If you’re gonna show up, you might as well bring it.

What is HIIT cardio? It’s a short, intense workout geared towards burning fat. Sessions generally last about 15-30 minutes, and a typical workout might alternate low intensity cardio – a fast walk or jog, for example – with high intensity cardio, like a sprint.

So here are a few examples of a HIIT cardio workout for you:
Tabata Intervals: 20 seconds of all-out effort, 10 seconds of rest, repeat eight times.
The Tabata protocol is actually based on one of the pioneer and most frequently cited studies done on HIIT cardio training. You can do this protocol with a variety of different exercises; try doing it alternating running with walking, with body weight squats, with sit ups – you get the idea.
2 on/1 off
This is a simple yet effective interval workout. After about a five minute warm-up, run or cycle or run up stairs for two minutes, then take about one minute of active recovery (that means take it easy – you’re catching your breath). Repeat four to six times, do a five minute cool-down, and you’re done for the day.
Track Intervals
Here’s another simple one you can do at your local track. Remember to warm up properly, then simply run the straits of the track and walk or jog on the curves. You can run anywhere from six to twenty strait-aways. Cool down and call it a day.
If you’re trying to burn fat, please, please stop doing long and boring cardio. Give one of these HIIT cardio workouts a try today!

P.S. High intensity training is a cornerstone of our program design. To learn more about our one-on-one and group training programs, contact us today!