“Until one is committed there is hesitancy, a chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless dreams and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.”

– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

More Ab Training Secrets!! Video + Article

Here’s an ab workout you can do at home in less than 5 minutes – I filmed this video in about 10 minutes one afternoon and threw it up on YouTube and it’s got more than 3,000 views! Go figure –

And for top secret methods for fat loss and six pack abs, check out this article:

Top Secrets For Fat Loss And Six Pack Abs

Keep training hard!

May Is Abs Month At Forest Vance Training Inc.!!

It’s officially abs month at Forest Vance Training, Inc. We’ll be focusing on tightening up that midsection in our workouts all month long!

So aside from, of course, being super consistent with your group and/or one-on-one personal training workouts :), here’s an article for some tips to help you get the most out of your ab training efforts:
Have a great weekend!

May Challenge Workout

It’s time again for the challenge workout of the month!

After a dynamic warm up, do the following circuit:

20 Push Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Sit Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Body Weight Squats

Repeat this sequence as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

Here’s a video demo of the workout:

And the results (in total # of reps):

ES 520
KB 400
SS 380
SG 380
BG 320
NG 320
EZ 320
NT 300
AT 300
VC 280
IR 260
MB 260
BA 260
PT 200
SH 200

Keep up the great work, guys!

Is Counting Calories Really The Answer To Losing Weight?

New post of interest over at www.thefitnessmonster.com – take a look if you’re trying to lose weight without a lot of success. The article covers why counting calories might not be the answer to your fat loss efforts … and a few different approaches to meal planning that could actually help you reach your goal:

Fat Loss Fundamentals

How many times have you ‘discovered’ a weight loss secret – the diet or meal plan that would be the one that would finally work! – only to hear some totally contradictory advice from some other ‘expert’ a short time later?
The truth is that there’s no ‘magic bullet’ – but there are some fundamental elements that every fat loss plan must follow for long term success.
Think of these elements as your ‘strategy’; this is the big picture stuff. The details – like your exact macronutrient breakdown or the body part split you use – don’t really matter that much at the end of the day.
Here are your ‘fat loss fundamentals’:

1. A Diet Change For The Long Run

Truly, diet must be the biggest focus of your plan – and it has to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. In other words, no grapefruit or cottage cheese diets are going to help you – you gotta change your eating habits and change them for good. That’s the first ticket to getting to your goals and a good, solid weight loss plan.

2. Get into a daily calorie deficit

Burn more calories than you take in, plain and simple. Any successful fat loss plan – whether it’s low carb, high fat, high protein, whatever – will have this in place. Move more, eat less, and you’ll be well on your way to your goals.

3. Regular Physical Activity

Technically, you don’t have to exercise to lose weight … but it will speed up the process a lot – and you simply can’t get the same change in body composition without resistance training. Research has shown over and over that resistance training in particular has a bigger impact on actually changing your body composition – losing inches, fitting into that summer bikini better – than does cardio. This being said, including cardio is important, too – a comprehensive ‘road map’ to your goals is really the ideal strategy.

Those three factors – getting to a daily calorie deficit, a focus on diet, and a solid and individualized exercise plan – are things you can’t get around if fat loss is your goal. Take this advice and take action – and good luck!

P.S. Are you having trouble reaching your fitness goals on your own? Call Forest Vance Training, Inc. today at (916) 273-9366 or contact us here to schedule your free intro session and find out more about our programs!

Action From Our Bootcamps – And A Charity Drive Update

If you haven’t tried one of our group training sessions or boot camp classes yet, here’s a little preview of what you’re missing:

And the best news: if you sign up before the end of the month, you can help a pet in need – half of your first month’s dues will go towards our Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive!!

We have several new sign ups for the Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive thus far … and several folks with one referral.

There’s still one week to get involved, help a pet in need and earn a free month of boot camp! For more details and to get involved, click the link below: