New post of interest over at – take a look if you’re trying to lose weight without a lot of success. The article covers why counting calories might not be the answer to your fat loss efforts … and a few different approaches to meal planning that could actually help you reach your goal:
Fat Loss Fundamentals
1. A Diet Change For The Long Run
Truly, diet must be the biggest focus of your plan – and it has to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. In other words, no grapefruit or cottage cheese diets are going to help you – you gotta change your eating habits and change them for good. That’s the first ticket to getting to your goals and a good, solid weight loss plan.
2. Get into a daily calorie deficit
Burn more calories than you take in, plain and simple. Any successful fat loss plan – whether it’s low carb, high fat, high protein, whatever – will have this in place. Move more, eat less, and you’ll be well on your way to your goals.
3. Regular Physical Activity
Technically, you don’t have to exercise to lose weight … but it will speed up the process a lot – and you simply can’t get the same change in body composition without resistance training. Research has shown over and over that resistance training in particular has a bigger impact on actually changing your body composition – losing inches, fitting into that summer bikini better – than does cardio. This being said, including cardio is important, too – a comprehensive ‘road map’ to your goals is really the ideal strategy.
Those three factors – getting to a daily calorie deficit, a focus on diet, and a solid and individualized exercise plan – are things you can’t get around if fat loss is your goal. Take this advice and take action – and good luck!
Action From Our Bootcamps – And A Charity Drive Update
If you haven’t tried one of our group training sessions or boot camp classes yet, here’s a little preview of what you’re missing:
And the best news: if you sign up before the end of the month, you can help a pet in need – half of your first month’s dues will go towards our Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive!!
We have several new sign ups for the Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive thus far … and several folks with one referral.
There’s still one week to get involved, help a pet in need and earn a free month of boot camp! For more details and to get involved, click the link below:
Hidden Risks Of Soy
New post over on on the risks of soy – what’s your take?
Announcing The Help A Pet In Need Charity Drive
Warning: Today’s post is a bit on the serious side.
“Murphy was one of three dogs confined to a backyard by an owner who had stopped feeding them for months simply because he didn’t want them anymore. The only shelter from the sun and rain was one doghouse– the door now blocked by the body of a dog that recently died of starvation.
Through the life saving compassion of a neighbor who reported the neglect, Humane Officers were able to respond, rescue Murphy and his friend, and bring the owner to justice. The veterinarian who treated Murphy upon his rescue reported that in 25 years he’d never seen a dog so infested with ticks and fleas. Murphy and his surviving dog friend were covered by so many ticks and fleas that they were anemic.
Murphy was immediately placed into a foster home where he began his long recovery. He surprised his foster parents with his immediate trusting and loving personality towards all people, dogs and cats, demonstrating the true resiliency of the animal spirit. Murphy is now a happy, healthy and loved member of a family, living the life that all animals deserve.”
Sadly, there are many more animals in our area that have not yet been rescued. The good news is – you can help us do something about it!!
Here’s the plan:
Starting today, Tuesday, April 14th through the end of the month, I’m going to donate 50% of the first month’s dues for every new sign up for our Land Park Boot Camp to the Sacramento Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA).
100% of this money will go towards ensuring the humane treatment of animals in the Sacramento area.
I’m adding two new camp times – 6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays – to accommodate for new members and to help as many pets as possible.
I’m calling this the ‘Help A Pet In Need’ charity drive and the goal is to raise $1000 over the next 17 days, so I’m really going to need your help!
And for a little added incentive, I’m going to give a free month of unlimited boot camp – a $200 value – to the person who brings in the most referrals.
I’ll update you with our progress (total amount raised) and who’s got the most referrals every week for the rest of the month.
Thanks for your help in advance!
P.S. If you know anyone who might be interested in this charity drive, please give a call, send an email, post on Facebook, and help spread the word!
April Challenge Workout Results
Results for April’s Challenge Workout:
What’s Your Snack IQ?