5 Real Life Diet Tips To Help You Start Losing Fat Today

If you’re like me, spending half of your Sunday cooking, weighing and measuring your food for the week may be ‘ideal’ when you’re trying to lose fat; but it also may not be feasible. And the bottom line is that the fat loss diet that you can actually follow is the one that will be the most effective for you. Here are five ‘real life’ diet tips that you can start putting into practice today that aren’t all that hard to do – and that will make a real difference in your fat loss efforts:

1. Keep healthy snacks around

Stock your house with good stuff, not junk. It sounds simple, but if you have fruits, veggies, raw nuts, and cottage cheese ready to go for healthy snacking around the house, you have a lot better chance of making a good choice then if you have cookies and chips in the cupboard.

2. Split your meals in half when you eat out

Restaurant portions are almost always way more than you need; split your meal with someone else or take half home for later . You’ll save some calories and a few bucks at the same time.

3. Think before you eat

Don’t eat standing up or while you’re on the run. Mindless eating is one of the worst – and easiest – ways to end up consuming too many calories. Sit down and focus when you eat – you might be surprised at the difference this simple tip makes.

4. Drink lots of water

One thing that drinking lots of water does is keeps you feeling fuller when you’re dieting. A good guideline to start with is half of your body weight in ounces of water every day.

5. Move more

It sounds simple, but taking opportunities to move more during the day can add up. Park your car at the end of the parking lot when you go to the grocery store; take the stairs instead of the elevator at work; go for a 15 minute walk during your lunch break. An extra 250 calories burned every day adds up to an extra pound of fat loss every two weeks.

Keeping healthy snacks around, splitting your meals when you eat out, thinking before you eat, drinking lots of water, and simply moving more are five ways you can start accelerating your fat loss efforts today!

Basic meal planning is a feature of all of our personal training programs at Forest Vance Training, Inc. If you’re in the East Sacramento area and are looking to hook up with a personal trainer, give us a call at (916) 213 7600 or contact us by clicking below to schedule a complimentary intro session:

And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and get a free copy of the 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint while you’re here!! Find out more by clicking below:

Try These Unique Bootcamp Exercise Ideas

Here’s another video showing a few of the exercises we use in our Land Park – Sacramento Boot Camp classes:

P.S. If you’re looking to get involved in one of our Personal Training or Boot Camp programs in the East Sacramento or Land Park area, give us a call at (916) 273 9366 or contact us here to for more info and to schedule a free introductory session today!

East Sacramento + Land Park – Sacramento Personal Training + Boot Camps

Hey guys – new video clip for ‘ya of some action from our Group Personal Training classes in East Sacramento and Land Park – Sacramento:

Enjoy your week and keep training hard!

P.S. Make sure to sign up for the Forest Vance Training weekly newsletter while you’re here for weekly diet and exercise tips – AND a free copy of Forest’s 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint! Just drop your name and best email into the box at the upper right of the page to sign up now.

June Challenge Workout Results

Great job to all on this month’s kettlebell and body weight 300 challenge … here are the results:

ES 11:26
SS 12:07
AT 12:19
SG 12:45
KG 15:16
LK 15:40
SW 15:52
VC 15:53
NS 16:38
VB 16:47
BG 17:46
NG 18:45
AG 18:54
MB 19:14
EJ 20:40
Remember guys – the idea with these workouts is to:
1) Gauge your own progress and fitness level month-to-month
2) Mix things up and have fun!
So don’t get too wrapped around comparing your time to everyone else’s … the idea is to try and improve on the previous month’s performance and standing.
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Looking to get involved in personal or group training in East Sacramento or a fitness boot camp in the Land Park area of Sacramento? Call us today at (916) 273-9366 or contact us here for more information and to schedule a free introductory session!

June Challenge Workout

It’s time again for the monthly challenge workout!!

June’s workout is called the ‘Body Weight and Kettlebell 300 Challenge’
Inspiration for this workout came from the ‘original’ 300 workout (a workout designed for and utilized by the cast of the movie 300).
Here’s a quick video demo of the original 300 workout:

Here’s what the version we’ll be doing this week in our group personal training and boot camp sessions will look like:

50 Kettlebell Swings (16k for women, 24k for men)
50 Push Ups (Knee Push Ups for women, Standard Push Ups for men)
50 Squat Jumps
50 Sit Ups (feet unanchored)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Mountain Climbers

Repeat entire sequence for time. All 50 reps of each exercise must be completed before moving on to the next one.

Good luck! Results will be posted at the end of the week.

P.S. Now is as good a time as ever to get involved with one of our group personal training sessions in East Sacramento or our Land Park Boot Camp! Call (916) 273-9366 or contact us here to schedule a free introductory session today!

Why Most Popular Diets Actually Make You Fatter

Quick video for you guys … dispels some myths about healthy eating and how to lose fat … let me know what you think:

P.S. For a diet plan that follows these principles and actually works (it’s a manual I wrote based on what’s worked for me personally and hundreds of my training clients), click here:

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss This Weekend’s Open House

We’re having an open house this Saturday at Anytime Fitness East Sacramento and we’d love for you to be there! Here are 7 reasons why you can’t afford to miss it:

1. Free snacks and drinks

2. Free samples of our new supplement line – multi vitamins, bars, shakes, fat burners, energy management supplements and more.

3. Free chair massages from our massage therapist

4. Free stress testing from our partner chiropractor

5. Free group workout conducted by yours truly – perfect chance to give group training a try, bring a friend to check it out or even just get an extra workout for the week

6. Chance to win a variety of door prizes, including free personal training, a free heart rate monitor watch valued at $150, and a whole lot more

7. Get a free month of membership when you refer a friend during the event – and get them 20% off on their membership as well

See you there! This Saturday, May 22nd from 12:00 – 2:00 pm – Anytime Fitness East Sacramento. Click below if you need directions: