How To Break Your Fat Loss Plateau

Hey guys … if you’re stuck, here’s how you can start making progress again –

Enter to win a totally free copy of the Ultimate Fitness Resource Toolkit – the compete workout road map, meal plan, and guide to getting in the proper mindset to lose fat –
For more details and to enter the contest, click the link below:

Eating Well While Eating Out – 3 Quick Tips

Two over-indulgent restaurant meals over a weekend can literally kill the progress you’ve made with your fat loss plan over the course of the week – here are three tips to help you stay on track and make good choices even when you’re dining out:

1. Cut Your Portions In Half

Just eat half of your meal. Portions at most restaurants these days are so ridiculously huge that eating half of your meal actually many times leaves you with a ‘correct’-sized portion.

2. Pick Your Favorites

Choose only one of your favorite foods – not all of them. In other words, you can get the cookie if you really want it, but eat healthy for the rest of your meal. Have the burger but skip the fries. You get the idea.

3. Skip The Caloric Beverages

Two regular-sized sodas can literally add several hundred calories to your meal. It’s just not worth it – skip the caloric beverages.

Keep those three tips in mind this weekend to keep your fat loss plan in check!

Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp Is Now Open For Registration – Save When You Sign Up For Our Inaugural Camp!!

First, a quick thanks to everyone who’s attending our free trial – we’ve had some awesome workouts and it’s been a lot of fun –

So here’s some details about the full-blown Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp program:

Included is:

  • One or two awesome workouts per week (depending on which program you decide to go with)
  • A complete guide for your personal workouts outside of camp – you’ll know exactly what you need to do for your own weight training sessions, cardio workouts, flexibility and core work, etc.
  • Diet guidelines and an incredibly easy-to-follow and effective meal plan – you’ll know exactly what you need to eat to reach your goals
  • Monthly fitness evaluation including weight tracking and body fat testing

Here’s what a few of our clients have to say about our programs:

Eddie and Denise Lost 62 Pounds of Fat and Gained 14 Pounds of Muscle in Less Than 4 Months

“Prior to meeting Forest and using his training system, I did mostly your typical ‘bodypart split’ – type of workout – I devoted one day per week to work my chest, a day to work my legs, etc. In the past, I never had any real specific direction or plan for my workouts – I just sort of showed up. Not surprisingly, I never really got the results I was looking for.

These new workouts are like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’m able to work my entire body in an amazingly short amount of time. I’m very happy with the progress that Denise and I have made so far.”

– Eddie E

“I actually didn’t see results on the scale as quickly as I expected to in the beginning, and in the past would’ve given up too easily. I knew how to eat healthy so I thought I was fine and I can be a bit hard headed sometimes … however, with Forest’s suggestions, I was finally able to nail down my diet, and when I did, everything started coming together and I got the results I was looking for.

The thing I enjoy most about these workouts is the amount of variety involved. The exercises, amount of sets and reps, and weight I use are constantly changing so I never get bored. Also, the results I’m getting now are as good or better than when I was working out two hours a day, six days per week. These workouts never take longer than 45 minutes. Thanks Forest!”

-Denise E

Melanie Lost 68 Pounds in Less Than 6 Months

“From late September 2008 to the middle of February 2009 I lost 68 pounds. I have had over 15 people not know it was me they were talking to recently. I think that says a lot. This has been the best thing for my health and happiness. I decided to stop the excuses and start caring. Let today be the day you care enough. Just do it!”

-Melanie A

Ready to sign up? Here’s what do next:

1. Pick the program option that best fits your needs:

Option A:
2x per week month to month – normally $175 a month, sign up now for $159 – pay for one month at a time and discontinue the class at any time –
Option B –
2x per week w 3 month commitment – normally $150 a month, sign up now for $139 a month (3 month pre-paid total comes to $417 vs normal price of $450) – best deal!!
1x per week – normally $100 a month, sign up now for $89

The best part about signing up now is that you’re locked in at these prices until you decide to stop. So, if you train for the next 12 months, as many of my clients end up doing, you’re guaranteed to save almost $200.

2. Upon receiving payment, you’ll get a personal confirmation email from me within a few hours with further instructions.

See you at the inaugural Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp!! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact me by clicking here.

March 2010 Challenge Workout Standings

Update on the March 2010 Challenge Workout from Forest Vance Training, Inc. – here’s how everyone faired – all times are basic version unless otherwise noted:

Adrienne – 16:40
Vikki – 17:16
Susan – 17:46 (turn it up a notch version)
Nikki – 18:06
Brian – 18:30
Eric – 18:36
Miranda – 18:59
Nancy – 19:40
Kristin – 20:50
Pati – 24:05
Great job to everyone! Keep training hard –

March 2010 Challenge Workout

It’s once again time for our monthly challenge workout … here’s how it works:

If you’re involved in our group personal training program, you’ll have the chance to do March’s challenge workout this coming week. We’ll have three different versions of the workout for different fitness levels. I’ll post your time (if you wish) on the site and you can see how your fitness level is improving – and how you stack up. Additionally, if you want to give the workout a try on your own, feel free to post your time to the comments section. The challenge workout for March 2010:

‘Please Don’t Hurt Me’ Version (easiest)

25 Kettlebell Swings, 12k kettlebell
20 Split Squats, No Added Weight
15 Sit Ups, Feet Anchored, Hands At Sides
10 Knee Push Ups

Repeat Circuit 4x For Time

‘Turn It Up A Notch’ Version (harder)

25 Kettlebell Swings, 16k kettlebell
20 Lunges, No Added Weight
15 Sit Ups, Feet Anchored, Hands Crossed Over Chest
10 Modified Burpees (push ups done from knees)

Repeat Circuit 4x For Time

‘Bring The Pain’ Version (hardest)

25 Kettlebell Swings, 24k Kettlebell
20 Lunges, Add 2 15# Dumbbells
15 Sit Ups, Feet Anchored, Hands Behind Head
10 Regular Burpees

Repeat Circuit 4x For Time
And how to perform each exercise:

The Kettlebell Swing:

The Burpee:

The Sit Up (with Ab Mat):

The Lunge/ Split Squat:

That’s it! See you at the gym …

By the way, if this looks cool, if you’re ready for a little extra workout push, if you just want to get involved, contact us here or give us a call to get your free introductory session scheduled ASAP!!

A Great Tool For Helping You Stick To Your Diet And Exercise Program

Here’s a cool website that lets you set up email reminders set at semi-unpredictable intervals for whatever you want:
For example, you can set up an email to be delivered to you at pre-determined intervals to remind you to eat your vegetables, to take your multi-vitamin, to make sure and drink 10 glasses of water a day, etc.
That’s it for today … enjoy the rest of your weekend!

4 Reasons Why You Should Sign Up For The New The Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp

If you’re looking to take your fitness to the next level, if you want a new, cutting-edge workout routine, if you want to start every Tuesday and Friday off with a killer workout, but you’re still on the fence, here are four great reasons why you should come check out the new Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp from Forest Vance Training, Inc.:
1. Workout Intensity
Especially if you’re working out on your own, it’s really, really hard to work out as intensely as you would if you were working with a group. You’ll feed off of everyone’s energy and magnify your results.
2. Variety
It’s so easy to get stuck in a ‘workout rut’ – where you end up doing the same things day in, day out for long periods of time. At the Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp, we’ll mix things up for you with a variety of body weight, dumbell, medicine ball, and kettlebell workouts to keep your body guessing and keep you from hitting that plateau.
3. Knowing you’re doing things right
If you’ve never had instruction from a fitness professional, you truly don’t really know if your form is on point. Books or DVD’s just aren’t a replacement for a trained professional eye.
4. Reliable Indoor Location
Outdoor boot camps can be a lot of fun, but they can also suck when it rains or when it’s 6 am and it’s dark and you’re laying in the wet grass. I know it’s all part of the ‘boot camp’ spirit, but I think I’d rather be inside where I can focus on getting a great workout, not freezing my butt off – how about you?
These four great reasons – increasing the intensity of your workouts, mixing things up, coaching on proper form and a reliable indoor location – should be more than enough to motivate you to sign up for the new Hard Core Conditioning Sacramento Boot Camp if you’re still on the fence.
Contact us here or give us a call today at (916) 273 9366 to reserve your spot!
P.S. The indoor location does have a limited amount of space – we currently have 13 spots taken for the two week free trial starting Tuesday, March 9th, and only 15 will be accepted – so that leaves only two more spots! I’m expecting these spots to fill very fast – an email announcement is going out to our 450+ person Sacramento-based mailing list as we speak. So act now if you want in!!