Intro to Kettlebells and The Kettlebell Swing

Want to know more about kettlebells? Check out this video – Sr. RKC David Whitley and RKC Matt McBryde talk about the history of the kettlebell and give some basic instruction on how to do the Kettlebell Swing:

And don’t forget: My new Sacramento kettlebell boot camp starts next Wednesday, December 1st at 5:45 pm. If you’re interested in a complimentary ‘Test A Trainer’ kettlebell session to see if it’s right for you and your fitness goals, contact me (soon, as I have limited spots in the boot camp) by clicking below:

Thanksgiving Week Group Training/ Boot Camp Schedule

Here’s next week’s group training/boot camp schedule – I’ve bolded changes to normal training times:

Monday 11/22

615am, 915am – Anytime Fitness Group Training
630pm – Land Park Boot Camp

Tuesday 11/23

6am, 9am – Land Park Boot Camp
630pm – Land Park Boot Camp

Wednesday 11/24

615am, 915am – Anytime Fitness Group Training
530pm – Land Park Boot Camp

Thursday 11/25 (Thanksgiving Day)

8am – Land Park Boot Camp

Friday 11/26

915am – Anytime Fitness Group Training

Saturday 11/27

9am – Land Park Boot Camp

And don’t forget – December 1st at 5:45 pm we’ll be having the first weekly kettlebell boot camp at the Land Park personal training studio – contact me by clicking here for details and/or to sign up!

Could Your Bathroom Scale Be Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Efforts?

Relying on the scale as your only measure of progress is a big mistake

Imagine this:
You just started a new personal training program. You’ve been following the diet your trainer has recommended, you’ve been working out a consistent four to five times per week and most importantly, you’re starting to embrace the new fitness-conscious person you’re quickly becoming.
About a month into the program, it’s time to do your first set of re-measurements – and you’re excited to see your progress!

You were expecting to lose six or eight pounds in the first month (after all, that’s typical for diets you’ve gone on in the past) … but the scale only shows a two pound difference! How could that be?! Before your trainer even starts to take your body fat, you’re feeling discouraged …

But here’s the thing: You shouldn’t. If the #1 factor you pay attention to when you start a fat loss program is your weight, you’re making a big mistake.

We’ve been conditioned to ‘live and die’ by the scale; that is, it’s the almost universal way to measure progress on any kind of fat loss program.

However, measuring your progress only by the scale is a bad way to do things. For one, muscle gain can equal weight gain – which is actually good, because more lean mass means an accelerated metabolism and more fat loss in the long run. But in the short term, it can be deceiving.

Scale weight also doesn’t take into account how much strength you’ve gained, how you’ve improved your cardio conditioning, how you look in the mirror, how you fit into your clothes, or a whole list of other benefits that come from regular, intense, and intelligently designed workouts.

Now don’t get me wrong: We do monthly weigh-ins with all of our clients – and it is a measure of progress. It’s just a mistake to go only by the scale when measuring results.

If you’re one of those folks that gets wrapped up in scale weight when dieting and trying to lose fat – and you get discouraged when weight loss doesn’t happen as quickly as you’d like – hopefully this post has made you think a bit. Keep training hard – and let me know what you think in the comments section below!

P.S. We do monthly body fat testing and circumference measurements as part of all of our Sacramento, CA – based fitness boot camps and personal training programs. For more info – or even if you’d just like to get your body fat tested – contact me here.

P.S.S. Have you signed up for my weekly newsletter yet? You’ll get a free copy of my ‘Top 10 Fat Loss Myths’ report just for signing up – and you can do that by clicking here.

Kettlebells For Time Saving Holiday Workouts (plus sample routine)

Kettlebells are one of the best training tools around for time-saving holiday workouts

Something I hear from clients all the time is this:

‘If I can’t get a full (45-60 minute) workout in, it’s pointless – so I just don’t do anything.’

But here’s the thing: Something is always better than nothing. And almost everyone has an extra fifteen or twenty minutes in their day – it’s just a matter of priorities. Skip this week’s episode of Dancing With The Stars or The Jersey Shore for gosh sake and get a quick workout in 🙂

All that being said, the holiday season usually ends up being an extra busy time of year – and sticking to your normal workout routine can be especially tough. But the last thing you want is to lose any of the fitness you’ve worked so hard for all year long. So if you’re equiped with some time saving strategies to keep you on track, you’ll be prepared to maintain (or even improve) your fitness level over the next couple of months.

Knowing how to properly train with kettlebells is a great way to be prepared for life’s busy times – with a few basic exercises, you can train all of your major muscle groups and get an ‘all-in-one’ cardio, strength and core workout in literally 15-20 minutes.

For example, here’s a kettlebell and body weight circuit (from diet and exercise expert Craig Ballentyne) that uses a few basic exercises, hits all of your major muscle groups and gives you an awesome cardio, resistance training, and core workout in about 15-20 minutes:

To summarize this workout, you would do:

20 KB Squats
20 Extended Push Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Walking Lunges
10 KB High Pulls (each side)
20 Mountain Climbers
20 1 Arm Swings (each side)
20 Close Grip Push Ups
10 KB One Arm Rows (each side)
20 Stability Ball Leg Curls

And complete the circuit three times.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a time-effective way to keep in shape this holiday season, consider learning how to train with kettlebells. They’re a great way to get a total-body workout in a very short period of time and keep your workouts going strong when your life gets extra busy. And happy holidays!


P.S. To learn how to use kettlebells properly (because just doing a little reading and watching a couple of videos is, to be honest, a pretty poor – and unsafe – way to learn how to train with kettlebells), check out my kettlebell workshop this weekend! I have two spots left as of the writing of this email. I also know from past experience that I tend to get a lot of last minute sign ups in events like this, and as I’m sending an email out to almost 400 Sacramento-area folks today regarding this event, I’m expecting it to be sold out by the end of the day today. So if you want a spot, sign up ASAP!!

Here’s the link to do so:

Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop

November Challenge Workout Results

If you missed it, here’s November’s Challenge Workout one more time:

Note: There are two versions of this workout to choose from – Version B is simply tougher than Version A. Pick the workout that’s appropriate for your current fitness level.

Version A

10 Squat Jumps
20 Knee Push Ups
30 Lunges (30 steps total, 15 each leg)
40 Mountain Climbers
50 Kettlebell Swings (12k/16k)

Version B

10 18 inch Box Jumps
20 Standard Push Ups
30 Lunges (30 steps total, 15 each leg)
40 Mountain Climbers
50 Kettlebell Swings (20k/24k)

Complete circuit three times for time

And the results:

Version A:

AT 10:15
SG 12:17

Version B:

AG 11:20
KG 13:16
VB 14:01
BG 14:04
PH 14:28
ES 14:38
CK 14:52
LE 15:10
SS 15:48
VL 16:05
PP 16:30
SK 17:16
AS 18:18
SM 19:27
RR 20:09
NP 20:16

Have a great weekend!

P.S. Want updates on every challenge workout delivered straight to your email inbox? How about a totally FREE fast fat loss meal plan? Just sign up for my weekly newsletter by clicking here

November Challenge: Kettlebell and Body Weight 300 v2

This month’s challenge workout was inspired by the original ‘300’ workout, created for the cast of the movie 300 by trainer Mark Twight

It’s time again for the monthly challenge workout from Forest Vance Training, Inc.!

The original kettlebell and body weight 300 workout I posted a little over a year ago on my blog has been one of my most popular and most viewed posts ever … so, for this month’s challenge workout, I’ve put together a new, updated version of the Kettlebell and Body Weight 300 workout:
Note: There are two versions of this workout to choose from – Version B is simply tougher than Version A. Pick the workout that’s appropriate for your current fitness level.

Version A

10 Squat Jumps
20 Knee Push Ups
30 Lunges (30 steps total, 15 each leg)
40 Mountain Climbers
50 Kettlebell Swings (12k/16k)
Version B
10 18 inch Box Jumps
20 Standard Push Ups
30 Lunges (30 steps total, 15 each leg)
40 Mountain Climbers
50 Kettlebell Swings (20k/24k)

Complete circuit three times for time

Good luck and train hard!! Results will be posted at the end of the week.

P.S. Still thinking about signing up for the Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop on Saturday, November 13th at my Land Park – Sacramento area personal training studio? Act now before it’s too late!
I will be starting a wait list for this workshop when all 10 spots are reserved and paid for, as there are typically one or two last minute cancellations … but if you want to guarantee a spot, make sure to sign up ASAP – just click the link below to go to the sign up page:

Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop Saturday, November 13th

As you walk into my Sacramento area personal training gym, one of the first things you see is a line of kettlebells against the wall.

And nine out of ten people ask the same question:

“What are those things?”

So one of the first exercises I typically cover with a new client is the Kettlebell Swing. It’s one of the best exercises in existence for burning fat. And once you’ve done a few, you’ll at a very minimum appreciate the effectiveness of the exercise to blast your heart rate through the roof – and work nearly every muscle in your body at the same time.

Click here for details on the Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop:

The fact is, if you’re trying to lose body fat and you’re not using kettlebells in your workouts, you’re missing out big time. Kettlebell training has taken the fitness world by storm. Everyone from stay at home moms to high level athletes are enjoying the benefits of kettlebells for losing fat, gaining lean muscle, improving flexiblity and increasing cardio fitness.

Now, a quick word of caution: The bad thing about kettlebell training is that it’s pretty technical – that is, reading an article or two on the internet and watching a few YouTube videos just isn’t adequate preparation – in fact, it’s a good recipe for injury. You need hands-on instruction to learn how to use kettlebells safely and effectively.

If you’re interested in learning how to use kettlebells to lose fat, I have great news: my Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop is set for the Saturday the 13th of November!! For details about the workshop and to reserve a spot (last year’s workshop sold out in a single day, so be sure to grab a spot if you want in), click the link below:

See you there!
Forest Vance, MS, CPT, RKC
P.S. Know anyone who might be interested in this workshop? Help spread the word and tell your friends and family!!

Kettlebell Training For Fat Loss And Six Pack Abs

If you’re looking to shed some pounds and flatten up your stomach – and you’re not using kettlebells in your workouts – you’re missing out big time.

Kettlebell training is hands-down one of the best, fastest, and most efficient ways to both lose body fat and carve out those six pack abs.

KB’s train your abs in a very functional way – the way they were meant to be trained. As an example, a crunch is a typical movement that is used to train the abs. But the crunch is a movement that is very rarely used in real life.

In contrast, kettlebell training forces you to use your abs like you do numerous sports activities and in real life every day. Squatting while holding a weight in front of you (as in a Goblet Squat) or powerfully extending your hips and efficiently absorbing and decelerating force (as in a Kettlebell Swing) is about as real-life and functional as it gets.

Kettlebells also train your abs with full-body exercises – you end up blasting those abs and hitting a bunch of other muscle groups at the same time. And if we’re trying to burn body fat, that’s the name of the game!

Check out this quick video where I go into more detail on both of these points:

Sample Exercises
To further illustrate the points I cover in the video above, here are a few sample kettlebell exercises that do a great job of both working your abs and burning tons of body fat:

1. Renegade Rows

This exercise, while working a lot of other muscle groups at the same time, is probably one of the most challenging ab exercises you’ll ever do. Here’s an entire post on the Kettlebell Row and variations of it, like the Renegade Row:

The Kettlebell Row

2. Front Squats

Kettlebell Front Squats are one of the best kettlebell exercises for your abs. They force you to stabilize a weight in front of you and maintain a neutral spine (if you’re doing the exercise right, that is) through a very real-world and functional movement – squatting! Here’s the full article on how to do the Kettlebell Squat:

The Kettlebell Squat

3. The Turkish Get Up

The Turkish Get Up is another fantastic exercise for your abs that can be performed using kettlebells. It is, however, highly technical – here’s an article on my Kettlebell Basics blog about how to perform it properly:

The Turkish Get Up

So there you have a couple reasons why you should be using kettlebells if your goal is fat loss and/ or getting a flat stomach … and three great kettlebell exercises for the abs. Incorporate these exercises into your existing routine and start reaping the benefits today!!

The Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop

Our group personal training/ fitness boot camp sessions include a good amount of kettlebell work … about 30-40 percent of a typical workout is done with kettlebells, including Swings, Squats, and Turkish Get Ups.
However, I get requests at least a couple of times per month for kettlebells-only group training – – right now, private training with me is the only way to get that kettlebells-only instruction.
The new Land Park training studio is in many ways the facility I’ve been waiting for to hold the next kettlebell workshop … plus, most folk’s goals include body fat loss, improved conditioning and lean muscle gain … so what better topic to cover in an upcoming workshop than how to use kettlebells to lose fat and get a toned and defined midsection?

This workshop would be delivered in four 45 minute group training sessions, held once a week, over a month’s time. We would take a group training session to address each one of these topics in detail:

  • Proper form on the basic kettlebell drills – including the Swing, Turkish Get Up, Clean and Press, and Snatch
  • The right and wrong way to use kettlebells to train your abs and lose body fat – with sample exercises and workouts
  • Advanced technique tips and drills to perfect your form
  • Integration of concepts into overall programming

And much more!

Please post in the comments section below, shoot me an email, give me a call or text message and let me know if you’re interested and we’ll make it happen in the very near future!!