A home-based Yoga practice is a key part of my stress relief routine. A lot of people think that I just train with my clients most of the day, and spend any extra time coming up with ideas for new workouts. While I do both of these things regularly, and frankly they are my favoriteContinue reading ““How can Yoga reduce stress?””
Author Archives: Forest
Sport Yoga series with Forest – starts Thursday, Sept 9th
I just finished up my morning Yoga routine. What a GREAT way to wake up! When you are feeling more flexible and mobile – in both the body AND mind – it sets the tone for a great day. This got me to thinking: have you signed up for my “Sport Yoga” series yet? IfContinue reading “Sport Yoga series with Forest – starts Thursday, Sept 9th”
the “Couch Stretch”
Do you have tight hips? Do you like to watch TV? Great news: with the “Couch Stretch”, you can catch your favorite show AND improve your flexibility, all at the same time! Give it a try, then sign up for our upcoming Online/Home-Based “Sport Yoga” Series (details at the bottom of this post): the “CouchContinue reading “the “Couch Stretch””
VIDEO: Post-Workout Stretches + Core Work
In today’s video, I take you through an 11-minute stretching / core sequence that is the perfect thing to do after your workout, or any time! If you like it, also check out info below on my upcoming Online/Home-Based “Sport Yoga” Series: Online/Home-Based “Sport Yoga” Series Kicks Off Thursday, September 9th – Click Here toContinue reading “VIDEO: Post-Workout Stretches + Core Work”
Online/Home-Based “Sport Yoga” Series is LIVE!
Hey – I have some great news!… …we got a very strong response when I asked if you would be interested if we put on an online home-based yoga series.. …so we are going to make it happen, and sign ups are now open! Details and reserve your spot at the link below: -> Online/Home-BasedContinue reading “Online/Home-Based “Sport Yoga” Series is LIVE!”
diet question
Hey! – For the last few months, I’ve been doing a weekly nutrition-related post each week. As we plan out ideas for the rest of the year, I wanted to ask: What diet related questions do you have for me? Just respond in the comments section below and let me know. Thanks! -Forest and theContinue reading “diet question”
online/home-based “Sport Yoga” series
If you are potentially interested, please let me know. Just reply back to this message with the words “SPORT YOGA”, and I’ll put you on the interest list. Almost ALL of us could benefit from a little Yoga in our lives. Whether you are looking to: – Improve flexibility and mobility– Reduce aches and pains– ReduceContinue reading “online/home-based “Sport Yoga” series”
Bro Diet Basics, Part 9 – “Brian” Sample Day of Eating
For the last couple of weeks, I have been writing up sample meal plans for a variety of different pretend clients. The intent has been to put everything together that we’ve covered over the last six months or so in our “Bro Diet” series, and to give you a starting point for how to eatContinue reading “Bro Diet Basics, Part 9 – “Brian” Sample Day of Eating”