Are you considering Dry January? If so, you’re not alone. Many people choose to give up drinking for the month for a variety of reasons, including resetting after the holidays, trying to improve their health, or taking a break from drinking. While alcohol can be fun, it’s not particularly helpful if you’re trying to loseContinue reading “Dry January?”
Author Archives: Forest
Meet Jason ?
Are you ready to make a lasting change and reach your fitness goals? Our “20 in 6” Kettlebell challenge is designed to help you do just that! ->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge We have helped countless clients, like Jason, achieve their goals and transform their lives through personalized training and support. Just look at Jason’sContinue reading “Meet Jason ?”
20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge
I’m excited to announce our 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge. This is an amazing opportunity to lose up to 20 pounds in just 6 weeks! You’ll have access to kettlebell workouts, personalized nutrition help, and weekly live meetings with me to discuss your progress. If you’re local to the Sacramento area, you canContinue reading “20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge”
Maximize Your Fat Burn: The 820 Calorie Kettlebell Workout
This kettlebell workout is an excellent way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. In just 45 minutes, you can burn up to 820 calories! Keep in mind that everyone burns calories differently, so your results may vary. But one thing is for sure: you’re going to get an amazingContinue reading “Maximize Your Fat Burn: The 820 Calorie Kettlebell Workout”
The 12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout
Hey there, it’s Christmas time! I’m headed off to spend time with friends and family, but I wanted to send you this fun kettlebell workout beforehand. You can use it to celebrate and even burn some extra calories before the big day. Have a happy holiday! -Forest and the FVT Team at – 12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell WorkoutContinue reading “The 12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout”
The FVT 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Challenge is LIVE
Registration for the FVT 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Challenge is live now, sign up today: -> Click Here to Sign Up for the FVT 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Challenge This Challenge starts January 10th, 2023. You can participate in person at our Sacramento, CA – area location, OR you can join us virtuallyContinue reading “The FVT 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Challenge is LIVE”
Hate Counting Calories? Do This Instead:
Any dietician will tell you that the key to weight loss is creating a calorie deficit. The best way to do this is to track your food intake and make sure you’re hitting your target calorie intake for the day. However, I understand that not everyone wants to do this. If you’re one of thoseContinue reading “Hate Counting Calories? Do This Instead:”
“Calorie Density” Hack + Sample Recipe
One of the problems people have when they are dieting is often beinghungry. If you’re walking around hungry all day, it makes it REALLY tough tostick to a diet! And YES – while “a calorie is a calorie”, and it technically doesn’tmatter what those calories are made up of if your only goal is weightloss..Continue reading ““Calorie Density” Hack + Sample Recipe”