Results for this month’s challenge workout are in! The workout again in case you missed it: 7 Burpees 14 Kettlebell Swings 21 Body Weight Squats 5 Rounds for time And the results: TH 6:44 ES 6:50 AG 6:55 SS 6:55 JJ 7:18 KG 7:32 MW 7:33 SG 7:43 LE 7:50 BG 7:59 VL 8:01 NEContinue reading “June 2011 Challenge Workout Results”
Author Archives: Forest
Invitation For Current + Past Clients (free boot camp class offer)
It seems that every month we get questions about our challenge workouts via e-mail, on Facebook, and from current and past training clients. So, what we’ve decided to do is invite current and past private training clients who haven’t tried a boot camp class to do so for free this month. This is a greatContinue reading “Invitation For Current + Past Clients (free boot camp class offer)”
June 2011 Challenge Workout
This month’s challenge: 7 Burpees 14 Kettlebell Swings 21 Body Weight Squats 5 Rounds for time Good luck! Results will be posted at the end of the week. Forest P.S. This is a repeat of March 2011’s challenge workout … if you participated last time, you can check your time to beat here
How To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet – 8 Tricks and Tips
Personally, I hate the word diet. To me, it implies more of a short-term quick fix than a long-term healthy eating plan. And especially if your goal is weight loss, small changes in your dietary habits can easily add up to measurable results. Here are 8 tricks and tips to help you lose weight withoutContinue reading “How To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet – 8 Tricks and Tips”
Memorial Day Weekend Group/Boot Camp Schedule
In celebration of Memorial Day, we will be operating with a holiday schedule. Changes to the group training/boot camp schedule for the weekend are as follows: Saturday 5/28 – one boot camp @ 9:00am (8:00 am boot camp is cancelled) Monday 5/30 – one boot camp @ 10:30am (in lieu of normal 6:30pm boot camp)Continue reading “Memorial Day Weekend Group/Boot Camp Schedule”
May 2011 Nutrition Challenge
Drink only non-calorie containing beverages A lot of folks are very surprised at, when they keep a food log (as I have every new client do when they start on a group or one-on-one personal training program), how many calories they’re consuming in liquid form. Cutting out soda, juice, and other calorie-containing beverages can beContinue reading “May 2011 Nutrition Challenge”
New Sacramento Kettlebell Training Video
If you’re a fan of kettlebell training, I’ve got a new kettlebell workout video for you to check out – let me know what you think: Have a great weekend! Forest P.S. Speaking of kettlebells, I wanted to quickly clarify about the upcoming Next Level Kettlebell Workshop I’m holding at my training studio. If you’veContinue reading “New Sacramento Kettlebell Training Video”
‘Next Level’ Kettlebell Workshop on Sunday, June 12th
Quick post to let you know that I’m holding a kettlebell workshop Sunday, June 12th at my personal training studio in Land Park. I’m calling it the ‘Next Level Kettlebell Workshop’ … it’s for folks who have the basics down (the swing, the goblet squat, and the Turkish get up), but are looking to takeContinue reading “‘Next Level’ Kettlebell Workshop on Sunday, June 12th”