As we ramp up for our 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Beach Body Challenge, an article I read several years ago in the CrossFit Journal pops into mind … It’s about toughness, determination, and discipline – and how a strict, short-term “hard routine” can be a powerful catalytic agent for change of all sorts. ClickContinue reading “The “Hard Routine” For Rapid Fat Loss”
Author Archives: Forest
NEW Consumer’s Guide to Hiring a Personal Trainer (free)
Are you looking for a personal trainer – but have no idea where to start? Are you wondering what some common issues folks have with their personal trainers might be – and how to “pre-screen” for them before you dish out your hard-earned cash? Inside this BRAND NEW report, you’ll find: 4 mistakes to avoidContinue reading “NEW Consumer’s Guide to Hiring a Personal Trainer (free)”
February 2012 Challenge Workout Results
The February 2012 Challenge Workout one more time, in case you missed it: power jacks push ups reverse lunges knee-to-elbow mountain climbers KB swings Do 20 reps of each exercise. Perform the workout circuit-style, moving from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible. Do five rounds of the circuit for time.Continue reading “February 2012 Challenge Workout Results”
February 2012 Challenge Workout
All of us have times we’re more motivated than others with our fitness program. And also it’s true that this can be a particularly tough time of year … the new-ness of fitness-related resolutions has all but worn off and we’re back into our daily routines … So what better way to blast out ofContinue reading “February 2012 Challenge Workout”
February 2012 Nutrition Challenge (how Lisa lost 20 pounds)
Due to popular demand, our monthly Nutrition Challenge is back! And to kick things off again, I have a special guest post from one of our great success stories – long-time FVT client and soon-to-be personal trainer(!) – Lisa Estridge. (Lisa smoked it at the Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop last weekend. In fact, she’sContinue reading “February 2012 Nutrition Challenge (how Lisa lost 20 pounds)”
KB Exercise Tips + Mods For Beginners (video)
Curious about kettlebell training? Wondering if it’s right for your current goals and/or fitness level? Check out this article and video I posted on my Kettlebell Basics blog a short time ago – it covers some simple kettlebell exercise tips and modifications for kettlebell beginners. – Forest ********** I’ve been getting a lot of emailsContinue reading “KB Exercise Tips + Mods For Beginners (video)”
Kettlebell Fat Loss Plan For Beginners
To kick off today’s post, instead of selling you on the idea of using kettlebells for fat loss, I’ll let one of my loyal and best kettlebell training clients do it instead 🙂 Click the ‘play’ button below to listen to Keith M.’s kettlebell testimonial: Keith M.’s kettlebell testimonial [audio:|titles=Keith Testimonial] Keith’s goals are, inContinue reading “Kettlebell Fat Loss Plan For Beginners”
Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop January 28th, 2012
As you walk into my Sacramento area personal training gym, one of the first things you see is a line of kettlebells against the wall … And nine out of ten people ask the same question – “What are those things?” So one of the first exercises I typically cover with a new client isContinue reading “Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop January 28th, 2012”