If your fitness goal is fat loss, how much cardio you need to do on a daily or weekly basis is a major point of contention … Some would tell you very little – two to three sessions per week of high intensity – style sessions being adequate – and that diet is the biggestContinue reading “Body Weight HIIT Workout Video”
Author Archives: Forest
FVT/Paws For Health Charity Boot Camp Follow-Up
Thanks to all who participated in the FVT/Paws For Health Charity Boot Camp last weekend. Our original goal was to raise $300 (enough to help three Paws For Health animals in need) … we ended up smashing our target with a total of $385! I thought it’d be cool to drop off the donation inContinue reading “FVT/Paws For Health Charity Boot Camp Follow-Up”
April 2012 Challenge Workout Results
Here’s the April 2012 FVT Challenge Workout again in case you missed it: KB Swings (two hand, one hand, or hand-to-hand – your choice) Push Ups (“regular” for guys, knees for gals) Body Weight Squats Plank Hold Jumping Jacks Get as many reps as you can of each exercise in one minute. Rest :30 betweenContinue reading “April 2012 Challenge Workout Results”
April 2012 Challenge Workout
Beat your score from January’s challenge this month! Here’s the workout again in case you missed it the first time around: The April 2012 Challenge Workout KB Swings (two hand, one hand, or hand-to-hand – your choice) Push Ups (“regular” for guys, knees for gals) Body Weight Squats Plank Hold Jumping Jacks Get as manyContinue reading “April 2012 Challenge Workout”
“Get Outta The Way, You Fatties!” (MY weight loss story)
As we crossed the street on our way to the bar, a young punk in a car driving by stuck his head out the window and shouted at us, “Get outta the way, you fatties!” We were shocked. We couldn’t believe someone would call us – big, strong “strength athletes” – fat! They probably couldn’tContinue reading ““Get Outta The Way, You Fatties!” (MY weight loss story)”
April 2012 Nutrition Challenge
We have another special guest post for this month’s Nutrition Challenge from our admin assistant and trainer-in-training Alexa. Alexa started training with me as a client about four years ago – and while she initially gained fitness, got stronger, improved her cardio health, etc. – it wasn’t until she changed her diet that she reallyContinue reading “April 2012 Nutrition Challenge”
FVT Sacramento Fitness Boot Camp Desert Island Workout
Even if you’re stranded on a desert island, you can still get a killer workout using the top-secret body weight training techniques we use at the FVT Sacramento fitness boot camp – here’s how:
Weekend Workout(s), Charity Boot Camp & Nutrition Coaching
Happy Friday! A few quick announcements for you as we head into the weekend: Weekend Workout(s) If you’re participating in our 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge, don’t forget – the final extreme cardio conditioning class is taking place tomorrow, Saturday the 24th of March at 10am. Based on conversations we’ve had with participants overContinue reading “Weekend Workout(s), Charity Boot Camp & Nutrition Coaching”