Arctic Enema. Fire Walker. Boa Constrictor. Just a few of the obstacles you could face at your next mud run … These events are not for the faint of heart. You’ll need to prepare for it physically, mentally and emotionally. And today’s Mud Run training article (and the full event prep program we justContinue reading “Mud Run Training – 7 Tips”
Author Archives: Forest
June 2012 Challenge Workout Results
Here’s the June 2012 FVT Challenge Workout again, just in case you missed it – 1 burpee 2 body weight squats 3 kettlebell swings Then, go back to the top and ‘climb the ladder’! Meaning you’ll do: 2 burpees 4 body weight squats 6 kettlebell swings Then: 3 burpees 6 body weight squats 9 kettlebellContinue reading “June 2012 Challenge Workout Results”
Mud Run Event Prep Program Now Open!
Have you signed up for a mud run – but when it comes to actually training for it, aren’t quite sure where to start? Are you looking to not only finish the event, but finish strong? Do you seek confidence, come mud run day, to take on what could be the toughest event on theContinue reading “Mud Run Event Prep Program Now Open!”
June 2012 Challenge Workout
June 2012 FVT Challenge Workout – Burpee/Squat/Swing Ladder Here’s what to do: 1 burpee 2 body weight squats 3 kettlebell swings Then, go back to the top and ‘climb the ladder’! Meaning you’ll do: 2 burpees 4 body weight squats 6 kettlebell swings Then: 3 burpees 6 body weight squats 9 kettlebell swings And continueContinue reading “June 2012 Challenge Workout”
Mud Run Race Prep
Interested in a group race prep program for your next mud run? Learn more about the event by clicking here: === >> The concept is to have a once per week training group, initially meeting at the Land Park studio, and potentially venturing out at different points during the program for runs/activities inContinue reading “Mud Run Race Prep”
Make Monday FUN Day (new boot camp)
Starting June 4th, we’ll be offering a new boot camp class each week on Mondays at 5pm. BUT … this won’t just be any old boot camp class. Monday FUNday boot camps will be extra special because we’ll have a special focus for each one. For example, on the tentative schedule so far, we haveContinue reading “Make Monday FUN Day (new boot camp)”
MY Daily Diet
The most important part of any diet plan? Your ability to stick with it for a long period of time. No matter how “ideal” a meal plan might be for reaching your fitness goals, if you can’t actually do it, day in and day out – it won’t work for ‘ya! I thought I’d shareContinue reading “MY Daily Diet”
Memorial Day Weekend Boot Camp Schedule
Special boot camp schedule for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend: One boot camp only on Saturday, May 26th @ 8:30 am One boot camp only on Monday, May 28th @ 8:30 am Thanks for your understanding in advance – and enjoy your holiday weekend! Forest PS – Don’t forget – we’re now offering a weeklyContinue reading “Memorial Day Weekend Boot Camp Schedule”