FVT Holiday Charity Boot Camp Follow Up

Just wanted to post a quick recap of last Saturday’s FVT Holiday Charity Boot Camp – and say thanks to all who participated! We had over 20 folks come out to join in the fun … several others who couldn’t make it contribute to the cause … and together, we raised a total of $550Continue reading “FVT Holiday Charity Boot Camp Follow Up”

FVT Gift Certificates Now Available

Give the gift of fitness and health with a gift certificate for personal training or fitness boot camp classes! We’ve put together some special training packages, just for the holiday season. Your family member/friend/co-worker/etc. will get a “gift-sized” amount (priced in the $100-$200 range, depending on the package you choose) of personal training or bootContinue reading “FVT Gift Certificates Now Available”

December 2012 Challenge Workout Results

The December 2012 FVT Challenge Workout again, in case you missed it: December 2012 FVT Challenge Workout – Burpee/Squat/Swing Ladder 1 burpee 2 body weight squats 3 kettlebell swings Then, go back to the top and ‘climb the ladder’! Meaning you’ll do: 2 burpees 4 body weight squats 6 kettlebell swings Then: 3 burpees 6Continue reading “December 2012 Challenge Workout Results”

The Story of Ruby and Beethoven (and upcoming FVT charity boot camp)

Last week, we announced an upcoming FVT Charity Boot Camp event on Saturday, December 15th @ 10am. Click here to get all the details on the event and reserve your spot now: = > 2012 FVT Holiday Charity Boot Camp Event I also mentioned last time that the support and turn out at every eventContinue reading “The Story of Ruby and Beethoven (and upcoming FVT charity boot camp)”

December 2012 Challenge Workout

Test your strength and overall conditioning. Get fitter, faster. It’s once again time for the monthly FVT Challenge Workout! December 2012 FVT Challenge Workout – Burpee/Squat/Swing Ladder Here’s what to do: 1 burpee 2 body weight squats 3 kettlebell swings Then, go back to the top and ‘climb the ladder’! Meaning you’ll do: 2 burpeesContinue reading “December 2012 Challenge Workout”

Charity Boot Camp Saturday, December 15th @ 10:00am

On Saturday, December 15th @ 10:00am, we’re coming together for a charity boot camp workout to help local homeless families and their companion pets this holiday season – and we need your help! Click here to get all the details on the event, donate as much or as little as you like and reserve yourContinue reading “Charity Boot Camp Saturday, December 15th @ 10:00am”